Foods to eat when getting sick?

EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
Hey. I think I am catching a cold and sore throat. What do you eat to ward it off? Orange juice is a common one. Is there anything that you think does the trick for you?

Edit: And do you suggest working out less to rest up or keep going to stay strong? My workouts aren't too impressive, usually walking and Zumba.


  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I genuinely believe that doing too much exercise whilst ill is a bad thing. I'm not talking about a little cold and a cough, because we all get that every now and then. If you are sick, flu, high fever, cold sweats, etc. Then I think you should rest, you need as much energy as you can fighting off a bad bug and not using it for on fighting off sickness AND exercising. It's like twice the energy lol.

    Now I'm not an expert on the kinds of foods you should eat whilst ill, but I found a site that might help you get a better idea of what you can eat that might help you through this:
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    The best thing to ward off a cold is a big stick and use it to beat away anybody who comes near you with one.

    NB. This gets more difficult when it is your wife or kids with the snots
  • MissCheese
    MissCheese Posts: 195 Member
    I eat plenty of fruit rich in Vit C, so oranges etc. I also tend to drink a Manuka Honey mix, basically a teaspoon of active Manuka Honey, a squeeze of lemon and warm, not hot, water. Manuka Honey is expensive but well worth buying, it keeps forever in your cupboard and is great for many ailments, including as a wound dressing.

    I wouldn't do any strenous exercise with a cold either, stick to a gentle walk if you feel you have to do anything. If you think it's affecting your chest then don't exercise at all, you can scar your lungs.
  • Loislaine61
    Mother always advised chicken soup and rest. I usually go by how I feel when it come's to working out when sick. I usually don't want to at least for a few days. I'd say don't push yourself too hard your body is trying to fight off the bug. Listen to your body.
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks for the input. I have never heard of that honey, but it sounds great.

    I can't wait until I get out of work. I plan on getting some soup, and netflixing in my pjs.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Vitamin C foods are always good, though I've heard the argument they're better at prevention than for during. If you have nausea, ginger's good for that, usually in the form of a chew or hard candy. If you don't like straight ginger like that, sip ginger ale.

    Liquids are basically best. Soups, plain broth, tea with a squeeze of lemon, etc. And I agree with the others, rest is best when you're sick. If you have to do something, do some stretches in bed.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I think saragato's got it covered, but all I can add is, that once you've got a cold there's not much you can do but let it take its course. It's a virus and your body will fight it.

    Stay hydrated... hot drinks with honey and/or lemon to sooth sore throat. :drinker:

    Chicken soup... but basically anything warm & nourishing.:tongue:

    I also believed that hot & spicy foods, if your tummy's not in too much turmoil, can help sweat it out you.:devil:

    Plenty of rest and I'd avoid strenuous exercise, although it depends on how otherwise fit you might feel.:yawn:

    I've got a lousy head cold - lots of snot and sinus mucus - not nice, but otherwise my body is fine, no aches and pains, no headache, no fever - it's just as if someone's filled my sinus canals and ears with car-body filler that is slowly melting through my nose. Sorry if that's too graphic. :sick:

    I'm taking OTC meds, but never show how effective they really are. Still, I like a Lemsip or something similar before bedtime and then I sprinkle some Olbas oil on a hankie and pop it inside my pillowcase, letting the eucalyptus & menthol vapours ease the congestion.

    I'll be fine in a couple of days... usually takes about 4-5 days to work through my system.

    Hope you're feeling better soon :flowerforyou:
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    Take a Vitamin C pill morning and evening.

    Drink lots of water.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    any vitamin C will do.

    hot water with lemon and ginger is nice - hot toady is better - lemon, honey, whiskey and hot water :)