idea for combating movie popcorn

So, I am about to act as chauffeur/chaparone for my 12-yr-old daughter and her friend to a movie, and I had an idea about how to not fall into the same trap of "I'll just have one handful" that never goes as planned. I have thrown a sandwich bag into my purse and will fill it with a personal protion from the pool-sized bucket and go back no further. I have also thrown a 100 cal pack of almonds in the purse for emergency use. Wish me luck :happy:


  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    we actually stopped buying popcorn for our family when we go to the movies. We eat dinner before and then go, one we have four kids and limited funds and two I think eating while watching a tv or movies is part of my problem. We also don't eat in our car, we pull over and eat at picnic areas when on long trips, then we run for a good 15 minutes around the rest area or park. It is just one way we are trying to save $$$ and develop healthier habits.

    We do sometimes (rarely) get goodies at the theatre, and we do sometimes eat in the car, but we try not to plan our trips and outiings that way. Might not work for all families.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I pop health popcorn at home, put it in a ziploc and shove it in a big purse. That way I can have popcorn too! As for sneaking food in, I don't feel a bit guilty. Until they get healthy food, I'll bring my own.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I do wish you luck! Popcorn is something I usually just have to budget for calorically cause i love it. since it's just you and the teeny boppers if you get a smaller size (no more than a medium) no one should overdose!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I pop health popcorn at home, put it in a ziploc and shove it in a big purse. That way I can have popcorn too! As for sneaking food in, I don't feel a bit guilty. Until they get healthy food, I'll bring my own.

    Totally agree with this too!