How slow is too slow?



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    I keep asking myself the same question - I've been working steadily on tracking food/exercise with MFP since Jan 1 and have lost 18 pounds and start to get discouraged when I see others who started around the same time and have lost 30-ish pounds. I have been fighting the urge to feel like a failure since this is going so slow but I try to tell myself, as long as I am losing something, I am going in the right direction. Sure it would be nice to get to my goal by the summer time, but I know myself, and as soon as I start trying to speed things up, SABOTAGE and I will be out of control! Slow and's a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    Comparing your loss to someone else is pretty much always going to make you feel that way. I have a question for you though, those others who have lost more 1) Do they have more weight to lose than you do, if so they will lose a lot quicker generally. 2) Are they all female? Males generally lose weight much easier thanks to our hormonal make-up. The only accurate person to compare yourself to is someone the same sex, same height, same starting weight, same body fat%, with the same sort of job and family life as you; but someone like that would be you.