Cheat Day Weight... When Will it Leave?



  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    My cheat/relax day is on the same day as my weigh in day (Sunday). I do NOT look at my scale any other time except for Sundays, so its gone by then along with a little bit more. :)

    My cheat day, if I have one, is usually on the same day I weigh in and the day after my rest day. That gives my body a week to let go of salt related water retention and a day to let go of some of the exercise related water retention before I step on the scale.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    3-4 days for me.
    The good thing about cheat day, I would stick to my diet real good after the cheat day.
  • fearlessbetz
    fearlessbetz Posts: 97 Member
    A week for me, and then into the next to see more downward progress. I really did myself a disservice this month by taking 3 cheat days. On those days I ate well until dinner then ate and drank alcohol. I feel like I've been losing the same 3 pounds all month. Last night was the first Friday I haven't taken advantage and this morning I finally broke through my self-imposed plateau. I'm thinking of maybe relegating myself to once a month.
  • darkchoc73
    i only have a cheat meal once a week and since i generally workout or walk everyday, the impact is minimal. i try to not go overboard with the cheat meal so i don't suffer a serious setback.