Abs are made in the kitchen...



  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    I see 20-something's on the beach who obviously don't exercise at all, but have killer ab definition. It's because they pretty much have close to zero body fat.

    Which, to continue your statement, is because they eat only just enough for their lean body mass and no more, so they don't gain any excess caloric intake as fat because there is no excess caloric intake.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    So please someone tell me what I need to eat to get the abs I want.
    Carb/Protein/Fat percentages?
    Examples of breakfasts/dinners I could eat?

    I would LOVEEEE anyones help :-) xx

    Looking at your pictures, particularly your monthly update shots, it's pretty obvious that you need to just keep doing what you've been doing. There is no magic to eliminating belly fat, can't target it, can't eat magic rainbow unicorn food, etc.