Chunky calves?



  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I feel your pain. Mine are 17". When I was a sophmore in high school and weighed in at 117 lbs, we had a party at my house. The entire football team was there. I stood on my tippy-toes to get something and this guy said "Damn...Priller has big calves" referring to me. So somebody had the brilliant idea to measure mine against the team. Yep, mine were the biggest. Probably still are.

    I don't mind it so much, they're almost as big as my thighs though and I can't find boots to fit over them. But they're strong and they carry me thru bike rides and runs and everything else. It has been pointed out to me that the activities I enjoy (cycling and running) tend to lead to bulky calves. It was advised that I do yoga, that will help reduce their size. Not sure if it's true or not. (I do yoga, but still have killer calves).
  • marbly
    marbly Posts: 103
    Same height and close to your weight. Mine are 15". I'm so sad as I always had chunky legs. No slim ankles for me either :(
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I feel your pain. Mine are 17". When I was a sophmore in high school and weighed in at 117 lbs, we had a party at my house. The entire football team was there. I stood on my tippy-toes to get something and this guy said "Damn...Priller has big calves" referring to me. So somebody had the brilliant idea to measure mine against the team. Yep, mine were the biggest. Probably still are.

    I don't mind it so much, they're almost as big as my thighs though and I can't find boots to fit over them. But they're strong and they carry me thru bike rides and runs and everything else. It has been pointed out to me that the activities I enjoy (cycling and running) tend to lead to bulky calves. It was advised that I do yoga, that will help reduce their size. Not sure if it's true or not. (I do yoga, but still have killer calves).

    Not true. The only way to reduce the size of your calves would be to confine yourself to a wheelchair for a year or so, in order to let the muscle atrophy.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Some of us are made differently. And your calves may never be as slender as you'd like. I knew a girl in high school who had calves like bowling balls. She was built like a machine from top to bottom. She had never done a leg curl or calf raise in her life...for religious reasons, her parents wouldn't allow her to play team sports or train, so it was au natural.


    Sometimes, because of our gait, or how we hold ourselves when we exercise, we can add to what our genetics already gave us, without really being aware of it. I had a friend who had really overdeveloped shins. They were like tree trunks. Just from walking. A PT have her some exercises to release the tension (or something like that..I don't know PT lingo and I don't remember the details), and it did make a difference. A really knowledgeable trainer, or a visit to a sports therapist or PT if you can swing it, could probably help. If nothing else, a trainer might be able to help you change your physique so that your larger calves appear less obvious.

    However, I would say that if you're in the beginning of weight should probably not worry about things like this. You have *no* idea how your body will look when you reach goal. The body is slippery. It will do what it does. Then you can worry about tweaking it.
  • Fairy_Farts
    Fairy_Farts Posts: 166 Member
    I bet no one would complain about their calves again, if they saw my legs. :sad:
  • rhinojoe
    rhinojoe Posts: 21
    I think big, muscular calves are sexy as hell!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I've always had big legs and always obsessed over it. I never wore shorts because I thought my legs were too big. Now I just don't let it bother me. I squat heavy and i'm happy with that.
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    If you ever find the answer please share. I'm part of that large calve group & haven't found anything to make them any smaller. I refuse to show my legs because of them. Ugh.

    Are they mostly muscle or fat. If they're mostly fat, then I totally understand. If however they're mostly solid muscle, then you shouldn't hide them. Large muscular calves are very sexy. Just ask any of the guys here.