Hips, Thighs and Ohh My's

Thought the title was cute, but anywho I"m pear shaped, and for those of you that don't know what that means it means I hold my weight in my hips and majorly thighs. I'm having so many issues losing it in that area, I do cardio for 30-40minutes 4 times a week, consisting of either the bike or the arc trainer and when working on my thighs I do the inner/outer (abductor/adductor) machine for weights....I'm having such a hard time getting it to come off there. It comes off my stomach first but it will NOT come off my thighs. I have to wear a size 18 jean b/c of my thighs but have to wear a belt to keep them up on my waist. Please give advice -- especially if you've had this problem. Thanks!!!


  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I'm pear shaped too (siza A cups, 30" waist.....42" hips!!!) and what ive learnt is, you cannot spot reduce. A balance of a good healthy diet, cardio, and strength training is the only thing that's working for me. You just have to be patient, I mean, it won't come off your stomach forever, sooner or later the weight has to come from somewhere else! Lol
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Patience is the key. I don't know what kind of cardio you do, but maybe you want to incorporate some lower body workouts into your routine, besides the abductor and adductor machine. You can tone areas of your body, but fat will come off where it wants to come off first. I'm body heavy myself.

    I love Tae Bo and that's a workout I would recommend to anyone. Have you heard of The Butt Bible? It's a 6 week program that focus on the lower body. You do upper body workouts as well. Take a look at the workout on youtube and see if that's something that you wouldn't mind incorporating in your routine. I have the workout and I don't do it as a program. I incorporate it into my workout. I have done 2 of the lower body workouts. Some people on here have done or in the progress of doing the workout and have pictures to show the results. This program can help you lose inches off your thighs.
  • Squats, lunges, leg lifts, donkey kicks, etc have become my best friend. In the middle of the day you can catch me doing squats or lunges. It is truly about time eventually it will come off.