"Mother Nature" and weight gain

I've enjoyed the reponses to my post. Ladies, question...."mother nature" has visited and I'm afraid to get on the scale. In the past I've gained at least 3-4 pounds during her visit and get a little discouraged. Decided to weigh when she's gone. I have been consistent with my intake and continue to excercise, hoping this will help a little. Any suggestions for keeping or maintaining weight when she visits next month?

Thanks for your suggestions. :blushing:


  • bbuchanan1
    bbuchanan1 Posts: 17
    I've enjoyed the reponses to my post. Ladies, question...."mother nature" has visited and I'm afraid to get on the scale. In the past I've gained at least 3-4 pounds during her visit and get a little discouraged. Decided to weigh when she's gone. I have been consistent with my intake and continue to excercise, hoping this will help a little. Any suggestions for keeping or maintaining weight when she visits next month?

    Thanks for your suggestions. :blushing:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I use a light diuretic to combat water weight gain during that time of the month. No bloating for me!
  • exercisediva
    exercisediva Posts: 127
    what type of diuretic do you use?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Diurex is the one I have right now but anything with pamabrom (sp?) in it works fab.
  • bbuchanan1
    bbuchanan1 Posts: 17
    Thanks for the advice about diurex. I went to the drug store to rid my body of extra water, bloating, weight gain....etc.

    Will let you know if it works!

    Again, thanks. :happy:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I've found that increasing my water intake during that TOM helps to combat the water retention. I also try to further reduce my sodium intake.

    I never get on the scale during that week because I know that my weight can and will be all over the spectrum. Instead, I focus on eating right and taking care of me. I have PCOS - so I have a tendency to have extremely painful periods.... most of the time I can't work out during that week - at least not until the very end.