
Well, I have been heavy all of my life, well (heavier), last year in Feb, I was sitting at 177, which isn't too bad, considering I carry my weight well, by summer I was at 190, then at the end of the summer I had made it to 200.

at the end of Jan, I was at 212, my heaviest weight, I started getting strech marks on the insides of my arms, and noticed that a lot of my clothes weren't fitting anymore...

part of the weight gain was a change in medication, anti-phsycotics, which immediately caused weight gain, and I became lazy... and ate... allllll the time, i was bored i ate, i was sad, i ate, i got happy, i wanted to eat, when i was full i even ate! all of that resulted in me being much more unhealthy, I literally sat in bed EVERYDAY...

once I got my license things got a little better, well getting out of the house wise, but I still wasn't active.

end of january, i decided to actually have a goal for 2012, and since then I have lost..19 Pounds!

I lost the most in the first week, I lost about 5 pounds, then I stalled the 3rd and fourth week, and was stuck at 206, I was at 206 Valentines day, then I got grounded for a month...

and I mean, I'm literally home all of the time, I'm unemployed, don't get gas money, don't go to school, so I'm either at home, or occasionally I'll go out and chill with friends.

so I always have a lot on my mind... and a lot of time on my hands... to work out, and eat right! well... that's when it hit me, I was like I have so much time on my hands I just need to do this, I had taken a break the 5th week because I was in frustration mode, then I went back to doing things like I was previous and lost another 4 pounds, well yet again I stalled at 202, the end of feb.

I went to my doctor and talked to her about my frustrations, and had stated I had been trying really hard, and managed to lose 9 pounds on my own, but kept stalling, and that I was in fear that nothing would change, I basically just told her I was unhappy!

the last time I was at the doctor, I weighed 190, she hadn't said anything, but when I went in and was at 202, she noticed, and recommended to go on a diet pill to help... at first I was like ehh... I'm not really sure, I don't want any gnarly side effects, or to lose the weight then gain it back if I stop taking them, and that's when she explained everything for me, she told me I only had to take them for two months and to come back in..

well the first day taking them, i lost 2 and a half pounds, I was at the 200 mark, I hadn't seen that since the end of summer so it was a bit exciting for me.

it's been 2 weeks on the pills and I'm already at 193, i've lost 9 pounds, with working out and eating as much as I can, but thing is they supress your appetite, normally my appetite... well lets just say i'd be eating more! obviously. haha,

I honestly did not think they would work... I talked to my dad, he didn't think they'd work, but I said, maybe if I just try them, if I don't like them I wont get them again. They were 30 bucks, that's 30 bucks I don't have, so I cleaned the horse stalls, cleaned up after dinner for a week, shoveled snow, and cleaned the barn, I EARNED those pills, which makes me feel alot better... and I feel better that they have been working as well.

I look even ten times better, I took a photo when i started out, and recently took one yesterday, i look AWESOME! I will post them up when I meet my goal weight, only problem is that I have to buy a camera cord to do so, but then you can all seee :)

My goal is to get to 160 by the end of summer, I'm hoping that's reasonable,
now that i've been getting results, the harder I work out, and the more I try to eat right,
and it's been helping more than anything,
My first goal was to get to 195, by March 15th, I was sitting at 196, so I was a pound off, but I was still extremely happy, my next goal is to be at 190 by the end of the month!

I'm crossing my fingers :)

after I hit that...
April 15th:185
May: 15th 175 possibly? that would be AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWESOME.
I have a lotttttt of cute clothes I wore when I was at that weight ;)
june 15th-august 15th, get to 160!

I lost nearly 20 pounds since the end of january, which is a month and a half, so I know I can complete my goal, and even kick it's butt :)