Personal Mission Statement

Karleyyy Posts: 857
For one of my classes we have to write a personal mission statement and I was hoping to get some constructive criticism on it. ..I have to read it in class. If you get inspired to write your own, that is a bonus. :) I am a comma *kitten* so any grammar issues that you see please correct! :p

I vow to be a positive role model for my daughters. To them and for myself, I strive for constant personal growth. I vow to be kind to others and treat them like I would want my children to be treated. I vow to show others their own beauty because they may not see it themselves. I vow to stay true to myself and my values, because who I am IS enough. I vow to love unconditionally and show those that matter most the appreciation they deserve. I vow to be organized and orderly, and to not lose everything all the time. I vow to strive for success in every aspect of my life, whether it be my career, raising my children, relationships, or personal growth. I vow to view criticism as a gateway to self awareness, but also to know when to ‘brush it off.’ I vow to never let my enthusiasm or my passion for self expression burn out. I vow to love who I am because of my good qualities, be thankful for my ability to improve, and appreciate my awareness of both. I vow to always be grateful for what and who I have because many have a lot less. And finally, to my daughters, I vow to be a reflection of the values that I hope to instill in them; I vow to remember my own growing up years, and to be someone they can always rely on for support, patience, understanding, reasonability, encouragement, discipline, praise, attentiveness, and most of all, love.


  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    It sounds amazing! Great job, girl! :D
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    Awesome Personal Mission Statement. I did this several years ago after reading one of Stephen Covey's books. If more people would do this, and read it at the beginning of their day, what a better world we would have.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I love how you talk about your daughters! It's awesome. We had to do something like this too for class.