Xbox Kinect Fitness Games?

I got a Kinect for Christmas and still haven't used it... As much as I would love to go out and buy every single fitness game for it, my bank account says no. So, I was wondering, what are some essential ones I should pick up?


  • GearJammer
    GearJammer Posts: 47 Member
    I got a Kinect for Christmas and still haven't used it... As much as I would love to go out and buy every single fitness game for it, my bank account says no. So, I was wondering, what are some essential ones I should pick up?

    I feel the best fitness/game out there is "Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012" The 1st version (Your Shape Fitness Evolved) isn't too bad either but the second game has more bang for the buck..
  • It really depends on what's going to keep you interested.

    I have one friend who swears by the Zumba "game" for it.

    Another lost over 70 pounds simply modifying their diet a little and doing the basic games on the Kinect Adventure, especially the rafting.
  • For straight up fitness, Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 is awesome. I personally love Dance Central 2 as I can make a playlist and dance to that. I tried the Zumba! Fitness Rush game and it was fun also. Depends in your style and if you want a traditional work out or something else.