What am i doing wrong?

Just started a diet on here on monday i know its not long but ive really been working at it and on mon was 1346 calories and 52g of fat under my limit, tues was 692 c and 34g fat under and today 948c and 37g fat under and ive been walking for at least 2 hours per day and yet ive put on 2 pounds! I dont understand this i am doing something really wrong?:frown:


  • duffy78
    duffy78 Posts: 9
    Just started a diet on here on monday i know its not long but ive really been working at it and on mon was 1346 calories and 52g of fat under my limit, tues was 692 c and 34g fat under and today 948c and 37g fat under and ive been walking for at least 2 hours per day and yet ive put on 2 pounds! I dont understand this i am doing something really wrong?:frown:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Just started a diet on here on monday i know its not long but ive really been working at it and on mon was 1346 calories and 52g of fat under my limit, tues was 692 c and 34g fat under and today 948c and 37g fat under and ive been walking for at least 2 hours per day and yet ive put on 2 pounds! I dont understand this i am doing something really wrong?:frown:

    Beside not eating enough Tues and Weds, no. Patience, Patience. It will take some time. Plus, your weight can fluctuate day to day or even within the same day due to things like water retention.

    Eat all of your calories, exercise as often as you can and you will lose the weight. It just takes some time. I promise it can be done:flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Wow, did you gain all that weight in 3 days???

    Probably not.

    Give it time....water weight flucuates daily. Focus on eating healthy and getting some good exercise in.

    Also, make sure you eat your exercise calories....that's very important!

    You'll want to read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10665-newbies-please-read-me-2nd-edition

    Good luck to you!
  • redbaldwin
    redbaldwin Posts: 1
    I am in the exact same boat as you duffy. My weight loss goal is small - 5 lbs - but according to my scale I have actually gained another 2 lbs in the last 2 weeks. I guess I'll stick w/ this b/c I am already on a 1200 cal diet as assigned by the site and sticking to it. So I'm going to keep at it and wait another solid month before weighing myself again; forget this weekly weighing thing! Here's to hoping we see results sooner rather than later!
  • emcelmury
    emcelmury Posts: 1 Member
    Try a low-carb diet instead! Buy "The Stubborn Fat Fix" to get you started. You'll find you have fewer hunger pangs and will lose that sugar cravaing after a couple of weeks eating low carb (less than 150 g carb per day).
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Try a low-carb diet instead! Buy "The Stubborn Fat Fix" to get you started. You'll find you have fewer hunger pangs and will lose that sugar cravaing after a couple of weeks eating low carb (less than 150 g carb per day).

    I went on a low-carb diet a few years ago. Although the weight came off really quickly, I also gained it back extremely fast as soon as I started adding more carbs to my diet again. Personally, I like this approach better, because I am slowly changing my habits: eating better and adding exercise. The weight may come off a little more slowly, but it's my goal to change my habits for life. Actually, I am eating lower carb than normal anyway, but more importantly, when I'm focusing on being healthy, I'm eating better, more complex carbs. Anyway, that's just my take on it. I'm sure that other people have completely different ideas about it. Also, I'm not hardly ever hungry with this program. I'm eating at least every 3 hours, and what I'm eating is very filling and satisfying for the most part.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Just started a diet on here on monday i know its not long but ive really been working at it and on mon was 1346 calories and 52g of fat under my limit, tues was 692 c and 34g fat under and today 948c and 37g fat under and ive been walking for at least 2 hours per day and yet ive put on 2 pounds! I dont understand this i am doing something really wrong?:frown:

    You can't put 2lbs on that fast. Your weight flucuates daily up to 5lbs