Hi everyone! New and looking for support!

Hello! I'm a 23 year old college student who's looking to lose weight. I've been kinda-sorta trying to lose weight off and on but I never seem to be able to stick to anything nor have I been all that motivated recently. I've been a little overweight my entire life, but when I started college a began to actually feel comfortable in my own skin and realized being skinny isn't everything. Curvy can beautiful too. However, I've recently realized that I gained 40 pounds in only the last 6 MONTHS. I don't even know how that happened! So now I'm looking not only to lose the weight I've gained but reach the body type I've always wanted: not rail-thin, but not overweight either. I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been at 245lbs. I'd like to ultimately be around 160-170.

I've always had a difficult time dieting, but I'm feeling that it's harder than ever now because of how UNsupportive my current roommates are. They were actually OFFENDED when I started trying to buy healthier foods for myself.
My mother actually recommended this site, in order to help me count calories and keep track of what I eat, and I'm hoping MFP will provide me with the support I'm looking for to stay motivated. :)


  • 1derfuldia
    1derfuldia Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! Please feel free to add me as a friend. I'm sorry your roomates aren't supportive. They have some personal issues that are making them act that way, just know it's not about you at all. Seeing you eat well is somehow threatening to them.

    I have found this site to be really helpful, especially the support MFP friends. Tracking food is a great way to know what you're actually eating because we don't usually think about it. Be careful not to reduce the number of calories too much to begin with. I started by tracking what I ate for a couple of weeks without modifying my diet, just to see how many calories I was getting. Then I dropped my caloric intake by a modest amount, something I could accomplish. In the past I tried to cut calories too low and I couldn't keep it up for very long.

    Good luck!
  • justpeachypink
    justpeachypink Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the advice!! :)
  • cobbie03
    cobbie03 Posts: 3
    welcome. I think your mom has done a wonderful thing for you. I love MFP. You have to remember your doing this for you NOT your roommates. Weight lose its not easy otherwise we would all have the ideal bodies we want. I am looking to loose 100lbs joined a gym and hired a trainer I thought by working as hard as I do and its easy by any means I would lose weight fast but I was not really watching my diet. As I recently learned weight lose is 95% nutrition since I have joined MFP I have dropped 20lbs feels great. So when the weight starts coming off I bet your roommates may want to change the way they eat too. Dont give up.