Weight Watchers...Whats Your experiences?

After visiting my GP for advice and help on sustainable weight loss ideas, she mentioned the NHS weight plan of choice is Weight Watchers.

I'm just posting to see if anyone has lost their weight with this method or have tried it in the past.



  • DoBetterDrea
    DoBetterDrea Posts: 85 Member
    WW worked for me before the plan was changed to make most fruits and veggies 0 points. I lost about 30 lbs the first go around. Then I quit because I plateaued. Then, I went back while it was the new Points Plus system and I lost maybe 8 pounds and then leveled out. Fruits and veggies have never been a problem for me so I was eating a ton of fruits and veggies (mainly fruit) which was a bunch of calories but no points. Plus I was eating my regular points. When I did the math, comparing it to MFP, WW just had me eating waaaaaaaaaaay too many calories. I've done a lot better with MFP
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I lost 40 lbs on it and wasn't ever hungry. However, for some reason I stopped, put 30 of the lbs back on, and haven't been able to get back on track. Once you get going it's super easy.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    In the 90s when I first started having to watch my weight, I lost 35 pounds fairly easily and pretty fast with WW. I attained Life-Time Membership status and maintained my weight for about 6 years. At that time, I injured my back and have slowly gained then lost then gained and now I am here. I am 100% behind WW, because it really does work. I went to the meetings which, I think, helps a lot. Pretty much you go weigh in, then there's a little motivational speech, then Q&A and idea exchange. If it's an option for you, I would definitely go for it!

    PS I tried their website and, to me, it's not user friendly so I cancelled that after about a month, then I found MFP, which works very well with the WW concept. It's pretty much the same.

    Good luck!

    Edit: I was on WW when they had "Quick Start" but I used the WW Exchanges. Also, recently on CBS news they had a blurb where their resident doctor agreed with the study that said WW was the best out of all the popular diet plans. That was because they teach you to make your own healthy meals and live the lifestyle after you reach your goal.
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    I have lost weight with WW in the past but gained it back.
    I tried again last Fall. I succeeded in losing 25 lbs, did not gain it back, but did not lose more.
    I started running at this point and read many sport nutrition books/articles. The point system was not enough for me. I want to see my protein intake each day and my carbs. So I switched to MFP. I love it.
    I am losing slowly but I'm still adjusting my calorie intake. I think I finally found my working number. We shall see.

    Good luck !
  • jwobbly57
    jwobbly57 Posts: 16
    I lost 9stone with weight watchers 27 years ago but the old style one not with the new programme,I personally like and have had success with slimming world.

    I incorporate my eating plan with slimming world on here because the calories are worked out for you on here.

    It's just a matter of choice and what works best for individuals.

    Jenni m
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Summer 2010, i decided to join weight watchers as i ballooned out to a massive size 18-20 UK... I only went for a weeek, I got weighed and everything, and my points were 29 a day. To me this is alot of points!! And i tried to eat that many points a day and i just couldnt do it! I tracked my calories, aswell as counting points and my calories were like over 2000 each day =/... Its mad that with weight watchers, the more you weigh the more points you get to eat! Bin weight watchers, and do your calorie counting x
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    I lost about 30 pounds on weight watchers, then I plateaued. Did this twice actually, gained it back both time, plus some... I had been going with my mom and aunt, but they started before me and had less to lose... so when they no longer went to meetings, I no longer went... I'm a little anxious in groups of people I don't know. So I prefer MFP, because I can have support EVERY DAY! And I can have it while sitting in my own living room. :) Plus the app is Great! When I did WW, Smartphones weren't crazy popular yet... 4 years ago. lol
  • BeckyProctor
    BeckyProctor Posts: 56 Member
    I did WW about 5 yrs ago and lost 60 lbs. The meetings and the support really helped me. I chose to do MFP this time around because I don't have time for the meetings and I am doing pretty good so far.
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    I did weight watchers like 10 years ago and lost a good amount of weight. Then I got sick and such and just could not get back into it. I was recently reconsidering joining again, but everyone told me that MFP is much better than the new points system, and way free'er than WW haha, and so far I do like MFP a lot more. To each their own though.
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    I am only 5 foot 2 and did WW many years ago - however it did not suit me and I was always given the 3rd degree and felt named and shamed if I did not lose at the rate of everyone else - I left because I used to dread the meetings ..
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I tried it once and just wasn't able to get on board. My main problem : "points" aren't real things. The way my brain works, it just doesn't compute for me. However, I have a good friend who lost over 100 lbs on WW, so I know it really works for some people.
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    I've tried WW twice, old & new plan, as well as Slimming World several times. In my experience they're a waste of money.

    The WW plan is more realistic to carry on long term as it's the basic principle of eating healthy, exercise & portion control. The meetings and accountability are good for those who have little weight to lose whereas, in my experience, the classes were just a way for people to socialise and make excuses for any weight gain. Whilst I realise losing weight is a journey, finding any reason (bank holidays, birthdays, work dos, vacation, Christmas, Easter, weddings, christenings, trips, functions etc) to excessively deviate from the plan became tiring & I was sick of listening to 'hilarious' anecdotes about how people months into the plan still had lost minimum weight. Also, the ready meals & 'diet' foods are unhealthy in every other way.

    I honestly think MFP is the best way to lose weight, people on here are motivated, inspiring and hold you accountable. The money spent on going to a WW class would be better spent joining a gym or going swimming/to an exercise class.
  • hhester143
    Possiby the best "diet" I have ever done!! It is a great way to beable to learn healthy eating with a normal lifestyle!!
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    On the flip side, my friend Lauren has lost a substantial amount of weight on WW & loves it, you can read her blog here: http://alittlelessoflauren.blogspot.co.uk/
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Was on WW, but lost more weight on here. Its free, and loads of nice people. Now I wonder why I ever bothered with WW!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I lost 30 lbs. on ww then they changed the plan. I gained and lost the same five pounds over and over. The new points plus plan didn't work for me. They changed it again only a year later, but that one doesn't work for me either. That's why I'm here. The database is much larger and with more info on MFP. Your doctor is working off of old info.
  • tevokish
    tevokish Posts: 14 Member
    I left weight waters when I found MFP. I did not like the new plan that they have. It felt like I was eating a ton of food, I wasn't eating all of my points, because it was too much. I also wasn't losing after a couple weeks. Since I've been on mfp I've lost about 2 lbs a week, plus it's free!
  • kakoelzer
    Tried it once and lost. When I stopped losing I felt ashamed and embarrassed so that made me not want to continue. Plus, I didn't understand why their new pointsplus allowed for fruits and veggies for free when they weren't free prior. That really messed with my head and I left. I think the new system is not allowing you to lose pounds fast and therefore keeping you in the program longer. Just my opinion. I like MFP and how it calculates the calories. Very simple and real life. No points! No cost!
    Good Luck.:happy:
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    My wife and I worked MFP for awhile, but she stalled out and went back to WW, with which she had some success a few years back.
    She is doing great with it. It is very simple, but I think it adds in a lot of "points"on fat calories.
    I'm more of a nerd and a tinkerer, so I love MFP. She (and lots of others) do great counting points. It really is easy.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    I lost about 70 pounds with Weight Watchers last year (during the whole 12 months). It really helped me to learn portions and is a good rule of thumb.

    However, I switched to myfitnesspal because to me it's a lot more effective. Last summer I lost a lot of hair and felt lethargic most days because I wasn't eating enough fat or protein. I feel like the Points system doesn't teach you how to eat a balanced diet, only encourages highly processed high-carb foods. Eating a healthy diet with balanced carbs/fat/protein is much more important and easier to manage if you track your calories and macronutrients.

    So... I guess my advice would be to try it, if you need help with portions or a support system. (I was never actually a member, but my mom was in the past.) Go for it if you would like, but this site is free and I think it's more helpful. I feel like I have more success on myfitnesspal and less guilt for going over my "limit", because I can easily determine how many calories I should exercise to make it balance out whereas with Points it's more of a guessing game.

    My two cents!