Blue Team WEEK 2



  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Hey...I got on the scale this morning, just to take a peek because my jeans felt looser, i lost 2 lbs. yeah!!! i hope they stay lost when i officially weigh in on wednesday!!!!:bigsmile:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Thanks! I'm looking for strength to make it through the week without gaining 10lbs!:grumble: All it is is going out for free fancy high-end suppers, drinks, etc. I will try to exercise though everyday if I get time. :flowerforyou: Man, I pigged out tonight, i was soo hungry from being outdoors. And, I am a cow!:sad:

    You are too hard on yourself. You needed to eat those calories because you burned those calories while working outside. You will be fine girly.
    Hey still looking for my passports so I can come up and see you. Then we will workout like crazy. :drinker:

    Find it! I need your motivation!!!:smooched:

    This Rach, in the long run is actually good. You'll be ok-women always prevail. I was 25 with 3 kids under the age of 31/2 when I got divorced! It has been the best thing for all of us, even my current hubby. (he was on the road to distruction and after some time, fighting and tears, he changed his ways). He credits us always for how he's turned out. His other family-nightmares!!! This will be good for you in many ways. Be strong, we're always here for you. Kath

  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I have been doing good with my calories :bigsmile: and my water 1 liter so far today :drinker: I need to exercise still. We have been waiting for the warm weather and we got it that is for sure. Now its too hot. I know always complaining but I don't know if I can run in this weather. Ugh. I will try however. :tongue: Maybe the kids will ride bike while I jog. Have a wonderul evening everyone. And for the ones who has wonderful weather enjoy.
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Are you guys open to new members, or no?
    I'd like to join.
  • AZWildcatnNC
    AZWildcatnNC Posts: 178 Member
    Rach: ditto on what all the previous posters said. Keep your chin up. It will probably be raw for awhile, but just give yourself time to heal.

    In other business -

    Had a great weekend. We're prepping to move into a new townhome so did some packing for the upcoming move. We've only lived here for a year so I'm still amazed at how much stuff we have here after we trimmed last year before moving east. Now I know why my parents didn't move for 15 years :laugh:

    Otherwise, I rested on Saturday and worked out on Sunday - had a great time with my three boys just hanging out. I didn't journal my food on Saturday, but I think I did okay over all, despite a binge at the pizza parlor :ohwell:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Holy cow it was about 95 here in Minnesota and just humid. My body just can't handle that. I did try to run 2miles however ended up walking most of the last mile due to feeling really light headed. I can't wait to get the Wii Active that is coming out. That way I can run while being in the central air. I think I'm going to do some ab workouts tonight they need to be worked on. Maybe some theigh stuff. We will see what happens.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Rach - endings are always hard but you'll be happier in the long run. Well done for doing what you know was right :)

    I'm back in my old jeans - more motivating than any numbers on a scale :bigsmile:
  • becbec71
    becbec71 Posts: 136
    I have been MIA, sorry, I have been fighting a sinus cold thing since Thursday, ughh. I had already made a dr's appt for a check up so since I am not feeling better I will have her check that out too. I havent been excercising but have ben staying within my calosries so I am hopefull for weigh in tomrrow.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Are you guys open to new members, or no?
    I'd like to join.

    Sorry I missed your post. Shoot me an email with your weight. :flowerforyou:
  • ShariStickler
    ShariStickler Posts: 17 Member
    Hi - I was wondering if I could join your blue team? I need some motivation & support.
    Just let me know what day weigh ins are? I weighed on Monday I was 279. Ouch hurts to actually put that number down in black & white. :sad:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Are you guys open to new members, or no?
    I'd like to join.

    Come on in!!!! Welcome
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I doubled up on exercise yesterday - at lunch I did Day 2 of Week 3 of Couch to 5K, last night I did a new release of the Group Power class-my butt muscles are still asking me what I was thinking....

    Down a little on the scale this morning - so good to see progress...

    Keep working hard and making smart healthy decisions everyone.

    Rach - sending some love your way... :heart:
    Jess-that's HOT-we've been in a cold spell so it's only been in the 60s - we're having lots of needed rain
    Welcome Joesgal!
    becbec-hope you feel better soon - rach was battling the same thing recently.
    lorro-old jeans rule don't they....I am at the point where I have no more smaller clothes and about ready to go down a size - I can zip just a tiny smidge tight so I am waiting about 3 or 4 more pounds before I go buy to need new clothes but so expensive.
    mnichol-way to go
    hmo4 - if you've survived all you've been thru, you've got motivation - let it out - let it roar baby!
  • ShariStickler
    ShariStickler Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you. What day do we report & who do we send it to?
    Wow...great job on your weight loss. Looks like you will definitely hit your goal.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Send an email to RachVR6 with your start weight....we weigh in Wed mornings and you will send it to Rach via message then too....

    You'll do great!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi - I was wondering if I could join your blue team? I need some motivation & support.
    Just let me know what day weigh ins are? I weighed on Monday I was 279. Ouch hurts to actually put that number down in black & white. :sad:

    Gotcha....weigh-ins are on Wedn. :flowerforyou:
  • ShariStickler
    ShariStickler Posts: 17 Member
    Hi - I was wondering if I could join your blue team? I need some motivation & support.
    Just let me know what day weigh ins are? I weighed on Monday I was 279. Ouch hurts to actually put that number down in black & white. :sad:

    Gotcha....weigh-ins are on Wedn. :flowerforyou:

    I just added you as a friend. Will weigh in tomorrow. You have my starting weight. Yikes. But I will hang in there.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Feeling MUCH better today. I went and talked to my mom last night and told her I'm going to be moving back in this weekend. Since my brother is in the Air Force now, I'll get his old room, and she's going to let me take the space thats available in the basement to set up for working out. I kinda sat there and planned out my immediate future.

    My main focus is finishing school and throwing every penny at these student loans. I want to go back to doing P90x at 5am because I was the most consistent and saw the best results when I was in that routine before. Then if I find myself wandering to the kitchen in the evenings for comfort, I'm going to go running. (A big plus of being back in a sidewalked neighborhood :bigsmile: ). I might possibly do the C25k on my strength training days.

    I'm going to put a mini-fridge in my room...I know that sounds bad. My mom fills her fridge to the brim and its all tacos, pizza, hot dogs etc. Last time I lived there, I'd buy healthy food and not be able to find it! :noway: :laugh: So I'm going to keep a little fridge just for my fruits and veggies so they're easy to access.

    I feel better having a plan of attack, but this whole process is pretty scary for me. I haven't been single for longer than a month at a time since I was 15. Mostly due to my reliance on others to provide me the love that I don't give myself. So I'm preparing myself to do a lot of soul searching and self discovery over the next few months. :flowerforyou:
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155

    I'm back in my old jeans - more motivating than any numbers on a scale :bigsmile:

    way more important!!! way to go!!

    Checking in to say I'm doing real well on my eating, drinking water, and exercise... hope to see some good numbers this week hehe (oh I'll be crushed if I don't LOL)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm back in my old jeans - more motivating than any numbers on a scale :bigsmile:


    I can't wait to fit into some of my old ones!!!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    The best feeling ever was when I was able to fit into jeans I hadn't been able to get past my hips since jr.high. Nothing says success like it.