Ideas to not "pig out" on candy, please.

I am a yo yo dieter and true to form, every time the weight gets a little higher.

Once I'm in a 'lose weight' mind set I'm fine, everything is calorie counted into snack bags, and I find that even if I go over my calorie allowance for the day, I usually lose weight.

But something always seems to throw me off course, and then it's the 'I've ruined it all, let's pig out' mentality.

Chocolate and candy are my downfall.
Why can't I be happy with a more normal portion. I seem to eat and eat, and it's a long time until I feel satisfied. This throws me off my diet completely and I put weight back on again.

My will power is not good, and when I feel like one of these binges, I really feel like I'm having a battle with myself.

What did you do to re-condition your thinking and satisfaction levels?


  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    I drink lots of water and tea with splenda. It keeps me full. I try to not give in to temptations at all when I'm trying to lose weight. I know I can't have one or I'll eat them all so I just avoid the temptation all together. I also picture myself in a swimsuit in the summer and imagine how I want to feel. If you can allow yourself to have only a couple go for it, but before you do add it to your food diary so you have already limited yourself. I read another member say that she would only eat 3 French fries, because those are the only ones that taste good anyway. If you can talk yourself into believing this it may help. I thought it was great advice! Also remember just because you ate a lot of candy, it doesn't mean your diet is ruined. You can start over with a glass of water or the next morning. Good luck!
  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    Chocolate and candy are tough for me. Most of the time I refuse to have them in the house. However, my husband has the metabolism of a 4 year old and can eat all day long. I came to an easy solution. If he wants sweets, I'll buy them, but he has to hide them in his office upstairs so I can't find them. So far, it's worked. :)

    Some say moderation is key. Yea, that doesn't work for me. :)
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Is your calorie allowance really low? if it is, you may feel like you're depriving yourself, and then you fall off the wagon. I am at my goal weight of 128lb, but I still have at least 4 chocolate bars a week, but I just work them into my calories. I make sure I do plenty of exercise to ensure I dont go over. I think as long as you keep yourself accountable, nothing should be off limits,
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    the best way not to pig out is dont have it in the house. Out of sight out of mind.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    It takes 12 weeks to make a habit stick. Just tell yourself you are going to give up sweets for 12 weeks and stick to it. Reward yourself after 12 weeks. Let me know if it worked :)
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    I buy these to help with my chocolate cravings:

    The peanut butter cup patties taste just like a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    My husband and I keep dark chocolate chips in the house (since dark chocolate is much better than milk or any other sweets we used to have). we only get ONE serving and that small amount helps us kick our cravings. you just have to have portion control. And, if there is a day I know I can't do it, I have pomegranate green tea with a few drops of pure stevia. It's like liquid candy!!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    I read last night to eat an apple beforehand I guess they found people eat less candy afterwards go figure!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Get candy only when you're going somewhere. Give the rest of the bag away after taking your serving.

    I get 12 starbursts, pick out the pink and yellow ones and then give the orange and red ones to one of my friends. :D
  • barkfitness
    I am truly a sugar/sweets addict, but didn't realize until I started doing this app. What I have done, I keep a bag of hershey kisses with almonds in my fridge at all times. I allow myself anywhere from 6-12 on any given day. I take out just that many and I sit them somewhere I can see them. I find that by doing this and telling myself that I have to eat them, I don't seem to want them as much. Plus, by not having the bag out, I don't think about it as much. I find that I don't crave the sugar as much as I used too. I do still have bad days, but then I just try to do better the next day.
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    Hi, The reason why you don't feel satisfied and want to eat more is because of the fibre content. If you sat and ate a whole round lettuce then you'd find you feel exceptionally full because of the water and fibre and nutrients. Chocolate has little to no fibre and isn't as physically big as a lettuce leaf so you could eat several chocolate and candy bars size-wise before you got to the same volume as a lettuce leaf. Chocolate is basically empty calories. There's no nutrients, no fibre and no goodness in it so your brain says 'eat more - we still haven't got any nutrients. We haven't got any goodness from that' so you end up eating more and more sugar to try and get that which you can't.

    I find that abstaining from eating chocolate is best because as soon as I feel that sugar buzz and happy high it makes me want more. You get the same sweetness from eating fruits; pineapples, grapes and apples yet you don't eat an apple or bunch or grapes and say I need to eat 6 bunches of grapes because your body is happy with the nutrients and goodness it gets from it. I can have a little, say a low-calorie sugary dessert like chocolate mouse or something but tend to have it at night as a little dessert so that I can't binge on the sweet refined sugary stuff as it's close to bed (and I'm already mostly full from dinner!) That way you can have a little every day if you like without wanting it all day long after feeling the sugar high.

    Hope that helps!
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Green apple Tic Tacs, Orange Tic Tacs and Orbits bubblemint gum...its a lifesaver trust me!
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    Craves tell you that you are lacking a nutrient. Certain foods make you feel like you have had that nutrient whether you actually have had it or not.

    Try almonds instead of chocolate. Eat foods wth omega 3,6, and 9 and notice the sweet tooth feelng goes away. I don't usually encourage vitamins. Your body absorbs food nutrients better than pills.
  • MissCheese
    MissCheese Posts: 195 Member
    The key to making a sucess of your change in diet is not to restrict yourself. If you like Chocolate/candy then make sure you plan some into your food diary either everyday or every other day. If you deny yourself something that you have previously loved then you only start to obsess about that one particular food and that will be your downfall.

    For my sweet cravings I either have a single square of dark chocolate (hard from the fridge) after a meal or I keep a bunch of red grapes in the freezer. Frozen grapes are a superb treat but just watch how many you have in one sitting, much as you would do for any high sugar treat.

    My downfall is potato chips or crisps as we call them in the UK. I factor a packet every other day into my food diary, that way I don;t obsess about them, I chose lower fat varieties such as baked ones also.
  • BigDfromNJ
    BigDfromNJ Posts: 22 Member
    Don't buy the candy in the first place! I have no will power either, if anything chocolate is in the house I'll eat it. I'll only allow my self to indulge once in a while while at weddings or parties. But never in the house! Good luck!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Hi, my name is Brian and I'm a Goetzes Caramel Cream addict......

    My old incarnation would scarf down a whole bag of these (and then, of course, feel completely disgusted with myself) now I just avoid them. I know a lot of people will say that you shouldn't deprive yourself etc and I think that's true for 99.9% of the people 99.9% of the time but for me abstinence is the best route - one is too many and a whole bag is not enough.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Out of sight, out of mind. That's the most important part.

    I find although it's more expensive, if you must have some, buy the smaller quantities.

    Also, try to enjoy the experience of it rather than consume it. Take time to savor the guilty pleasure.
    This really helps if you upgrade from cheap junk chocolate to quality chocolate.
  • m5kaminsky
    m5kaminsky Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same issue with Hostess HoHos and gummy worms/bears/rings (I love gummy anything). If I get a sweet craving, I buy the Vita muffin brand Fudge brownies. They are delicious and only 50 calories. There is a lot of fiber in them and a great chocolately taste.
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    Its my down fall now too. In the middle of a stupid craving right now and attempting to think what else to have that will satisfy it enough to get rid of it or least tame it. I have no helpful hints other than to say not alone!
    Good luck I am off to munch on a pear.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    I have the same problems with chocolate. My boyfriend baked homemade chocolate chip walnut cookies, and I've had at least one serving everyday since. This is actually an improvement as the cookies have lasted 4 days now. They usually only make it two days or so. Whenever I get a sweet craving I try to have fruit and see if i still want it. Usually it works, but every and now and then I'll still want chocolate so I'll give myself a small serving of some. The longer I wait to give myself chocolate the worse the binge will be. I'd rather have one oreo, than...say... 10, so that's my approach.