New here and starting a new lifestyle

Hi everyone,
After several years of trying stupid fad diets I have finally decided to modify my lifestyle so that I can keep the weight off for good. I need to lose a total of 60 pounds but my doctor said that it's best to set small goals. I am eating a balanced diet, about 5 small meals a day. I need to start an excercise program. I used to go to Zumba and plan on starting again. I would also like to start running; however, I am extremely out of shape and probably couldn't jog to the end of my driveway. How do you start without looking like an idiot, only being able to run several feet and feeling like I'm going to drop dead? Need some advice as to how to start. Thank you!


  • philco41
    philco41 Posts: 68 Member
    Start by walking. As you build up more resistance, try jogging a half block or so, and work your way up. The zumba should help build your endurance also, but just walking is great exercise. Start slowly and build up distance and speed. You don't have to rush into everything. Stay active and find what works for you.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I started running 15 yrs ago. I started off by walking, then the walk,jog,walk, jog. Google couch to 5k and start reading article at Runner's world magazines website. I totally agree with the small goals approach. You may friend request me if you want.
  • Gigilly
    Gigilly Posts: 37 Member
    C25k is a great way to start, it gives you the opportunity to listen to your body and there is less chance of injury. Make sure to include some core strengthening exercises as these will help you to generate force through your lower body and reduce risk of back injuries as well.