DON'T blame it on the birth control!



  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member

    I'd like to add that gaining weight on a drug that commonly makes people gain is an excuse. It's harder to lose, but not impossible. You have to make the choice to not let it stop you!

    Oh, and having a thyroid problem is also any excuse. I lost weight before I was diagnosed, and continued to lose after!

    *Edit - I'm not saying they DON'T cause weight gain, but you can choose to minimize it by the choices you make. You are changing your body chemistry using them, you have to make changes to counteract that!
    What type of IUD? Please copy the link in my older posts, you may decide to remove your IUD.
    OK, so I eat very healthy, count calories and burn off 500-1,000 calories each day, bu since I got my IUD, I gained 20 pounds and it WILL NOT come off, no matter what I do.

    So, please, tell me what I should do differently since you know my body better than I do.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When I first started this journey I had asked several people if it was possible to lose weight while on the Depo Vera birth control. I gt an OVERWHELMING amount of negative responses. So many woman said they gained weight due to use of birth control. Several others also claimed they couldn't lose any until they stopped! Well, I'm here to tell you that is NOT always the case. Although i may contribute my larger appetite to DV, tracking my calories and working out more made me drop the weight I had gained like crazy. AND FAST! I've lost nearly 30 lbs already. So remember, DON'T use your birth control as an excuse!

    Absolutely!! I was on Depo for 10 years and lost almost 25 pounds while on it, and rather quickly and easily. Birth control does not "make you fat." YOU control what you put in your mouth. YOU control your exercise level. You claim it makes your hungry? Eat more protein. Make your calories count. FOOD makes you fat, not Depo Provera.

    I did not gain weight because of the Depo and I was able to lose it while still on it. I hate hearing women complain saying their BC "made them gain weight." No, it didn't. What you put in your mouth made you gain weight. I ate too many swiss cake rolls and potato chips and I put on 30 pounds. Cant blame Depo for that!

    Because your experience is everyone's experience?

    I had nine months of morning sickness when I was pregnant, lost 20 pounds in my first month and weighed 102 pounds in my sixth month. Then I lost ALL of the weight within six months of delivery.

    So I guess women who claim they have no morning sickness and who have trouble losing weight after pregnancy are just making an excuse because I didn't have that experience so it must be false.
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    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
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