Question About Daily Training

I have always heard you shouldn't work the same body part daily and understand the reasoning behind it, but I do have a question or two. Boxers train everyday and their shoulder development is second to none. I have a friend that is a cyclist and his leg development is tremendous. He rides almost daily. Gymnasts are probably some of the strongest people in the world pound for pound and they train daily solely with body weight. So my question is does it really make that much of a difference to the average joe just trying to shape up. Not talking steroid freaks or highly fit athletes. Currently I'm doing upper M-W-F and lower on T-Th. With cardio mixed in.

Thanks, new to this.


  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    The main reason behind not training the same muscle daily has to do with your body's recovery.

    There are various factors that effect recovery:

    With age, we tend to recover slower (higher testosterone for males help recovery)
    The intensity of your workout also effects how you recover. Most weight trainers wait at least 48hrs before hitting the same muscle groups again.
    Last but not least, your diet has to have enough protein/good fats/carbs to recover. If you're not getting enough than you will feel weaker, not energized and your muscles will be sore.

    Hope this helps, good luck!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The other has to do with adaptation.

    Competitive endurance athletes have workout schedules that would kill most of us but the difference is that they've worked up to that level gradually. The one thing you will find though is that they may be using the same group of muscles they will tend to vary the intensity from workout to workout and day to day.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    if youre only working with your body weight and never progressing to higher weights then you could work those muscles out daily.

    for instance if i just did body weight squats i could do them daily since my muscles are used to lifting much more than that, so they're really is no reason for my leg muscles to need to repair themselves after body weight squats