Need some exercises

I have a really bad back, and need to get into shape. Anyone know of some exercises I can do to help and will not hurt me further. I know there will be pain from working out but bad pain. Cannot run, lift more than 15pounds, and no jumping more than 5 times.


  • ruby2sday000
    I have a really bad back, and need to get into shape. Anyone know of some exercises I can do to help and will not hurt me further. I know there will be pain from working out but bad pain. Cannot run, lift more than 15pounds, and no jumping more than 5 times.
  • rbopp
    rbopp Posts: 2 Member
    Swim Swim Swim!! Or even just walk in the water!

    This takes all the weight off you, but at the same time adds resistance to every movement you make. Join a local YMCA and if they have a pool they will usually have a water aerobics class. And this goes for most workout places with a pool. I used to teach those classes and after two classes, I was so worn out and i was the youngest one there while these great older folk just laughed and laughed at me.

    Try it out.
  • ruby2sday000
    Thank you very much.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I think an exercise bike would work well for you too.