Help me!

Hey guys, newbie question here - don't shout me down, okay?

Alright, so I'm 18, female, 196 lbs. I'm trying to work out how many cals I should be eating a day.

I previously had it set at 1500, but I've now upped it to 1650.

I work 4 days a week as a Barista at a busy Starbucks. However, on my days off/before/after work, I tend not to do much. I'll sit in bed for hours on my laptop. Also, I'm the type to take a bus up the road instead of walk.

I have used the BMR calculator on MFP, and it gave me 1670.

However, I'm not sure how tall I am. I'm pretty sure I'm 5"5, but I'm not certain. How much of a difference would an inch or two make if I was wrong?

Also, do I have to subtract 500 cals from the MFP BMR calculation to lose weight, or do I just go by the cals it gives me?

I think that's it for questions right now.

Thanks in advance :)


  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Okay, I changed my weight loss goal to 1 lb a week loss and MFP gave me a 1920 cals to eat a day?

    That seems like too much, so I changed it to 1850 PD.

    Someone help, please? I haven't completed my first week/weigh in yet, so I can't see what works for me.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    if u work our and eat healthy you be okay .. you took the right step to join here ... welcome to MFP.. feel free to add
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    The more accurate you are, the more MFP recommendations will help you, so I say find out how tall you are. Then be honest about your level of activity then follow what MFP sets up for you. I also think you will need to get into some kind of exercise program. There are many. I go to gym five days a week and it has helped me a lot.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    If you're active on your workdays and sedentary on your non-work days you could change your activity level depending on whether you're working or not. Kind of a pain but it would let you know what you should be eating in a day. It may take a while to figure out what works for you.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    I need some help here?
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    You might have to tweak it as time goes by. What I did was for the first few weeks on MFP...around 1500 or so and lost some weight. I'm eating about 1800/day now and maintaining a loss of 33 lbs (over a couple years). I have more to go (about 70 - 100 lbs), but if I want to start losing more, I either have to move more, or eat less.

    I think I'm going to start walking.

    I think your instincts are good: eat enough calories so you won't feel so hungry, and you recognize you're probably not moving enough. A recent study of teen girls in Ireland found that they are sedentary 19 hours a day. Not sure if that includes sleeping or not.

    Even though I'm way past teen years, I can relate. Even when I worked out at the gym 4-5 days a week for 1.5 hours each time, I sat around too much when I wasn't at the gym.

    So even if you're on your laptop, take a break every hour for 5 minutes and just move. Do something, like jumping jacks or stretches. Get used to doing more if you can.
  • kellyo15
    kellyo15 Posts: 51
    Hi Newbie :)

    If you are feeling like it's too many calories, you may want to lower your "daily activity level". According to MFP, you should expect to lose 1 pound per week (since that's your setting) eating the amount of calories per day that they've given, no need to deduct an extra 500 from it! Any time you do any extra exercise other than daily work and such (like logging in a run or walk or dance class, etc) it will add more calories to compensate for your exercise - eat these! It's telling you how much you need to provide your body with energy.

    I'd say give it a try at what it's suggested for you, and really try to meet the goals they set for your proteins, fats and carbohydrates as well as calories. If you give it a couple weeks and still aren't losing, then I'd adjust your daily activity level to a more sedentary setting and it will adjust your calories accordingly! Hope this helps...
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Oh, sorry guys, I didn't see the replies until I last posted.

    I'm just so confused :S

    Everything I have read says that being sedentary means literally doing nothing, and that your BMR is what you'd burn in a coma.

    In the goals section, MFP says I burn 2,402 (or something like that, I can't remember, LOL) a day, so I guess my goal of 1, 850 a day is alright then?

    Argh, I'm just so confused :(
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Hi Newbie :)

    If you are feeling like it's too many calories, you may want to lower your "daily activity level". According to MFP, you should expect to lose 1 pound per week (since that's your setting) eating the amount of calories per day that they've given, no need to deduct an extra 500 from it! Any time you do any extra exercise other than daily work and such (like logging in a run or walk or dance class, etc) it will add more calories to compensate for your exercise - eat these! It's telling you how much you need to provide your body with energy.

    I'd say give it a try at what it's suggested for you, and really try to meet the goals they set for your proteins, fats and carbohydrates as well as calories. If you give it a couple weeks and still aren't losing, then I'd adjust your daily activity level to a more sedentary setting and it will adjust your calories accordingly! Hope this helps...

    Thank you so much. That really helps :)

    But, still, what should I set my activity level to? MFP suggests active for waitresses (I'm a Barista, and our store is busy, plus at closing I do A LOT of cleaning). I think I'll change it to lightly active then :)
  • OK newbie, the first thing you need to do is slow down your thought process. Set a goal and stick with it for say...4 weeks. Losing 1/2 a pound to a pound a week is just fine. You don't need to take any numbers of when figuring what you caloric intake should be. So...
    1. set a reasonable goal of what you would like to lose each week and realize that you may not lose that each week.
    2. don't only set a caloric intake goal but a exercise goal for yourself. Try something like RunKeeper or one of the other walking/running apps out there.
    3. don't berate yourself if you mess up. Everyone messes up it is what you do with it that matters. If you go off track I wouldn't recommend starving the rest of the day. Just pick yourself up and start again.
    4. change your mindset. Probably the hardest thing to do. Don't keep looking at the past, look at the now and toward the future.

    I am 57 and have gained and lost more weight than you can imagine. I found that it is all in the way you look at things and accepting yourself for who you are on the inside. I wish you luck and remember you have value as a person and are worthy to think positive.
  • chubbytiff
    chubbytiff Posts: 61 Member
    you gotta find out how tall you are. One inch can make a difference. Good for you for your honesty. It will help you on Mfp. Dont add anything or subtract anything from what MFP gives you. It has done all the work for you.:wink:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    You might have to tweak it as time goes by. What I did was for the first few weeks on MFP...around 1500 or so and lost some weight. I'm eating about 1800/day now and maintaining a loss of 33 lbs (over a couple years). I have more to go (about 70 - 100 lbs), but if I want to start losing more, I either have to move more, or eat less.

    I think I'm going to start walking.

    I think your instincts are good: eat enough calories so you won't feel so hungry, and you recognize you're probably not moving enough. A recent study of teen girls in Ireland found that they are sedentary 19 hours a day. Not sure if that includes sleeping or not.

    Even though I'm way past teen years, I can relate. Even when I worked out at the gym 4-5 days a week for 1.5 hours each time, I sat around too much when I wasn't at the gym.

    So even if you're on your laptop, take a break every hour for 5 minutes and just move. Do something, like jumping jacks or stretches. Get used to doing more if you can.

    Thank you!

    I am hoping to get more active. I was a very active child, and it depresses and upsets me that I've become a slob. I want to change, but it's become habit, you know?

    So I'm trying to slowly incorporate exercise into my life - for eg, I have started a morning calisthenic exercise routine;

    20 mins;

    1 min warm up/light jogging on the spot
    5 mins sit ups
    5 mins squats
    1 min star jumps
    5 mins hip bridges
    3 mins in air 'leg rowing'.

    However, I started it this morning and, by God, by the time I finished the squats, my legs were literally like jelly and they've been seriously hurting since then. I know it's because they've been so neglected, but it's seriously hard to even walk up the stairs right now. So I'm going to have to take a break for a day or so, especially as I'm back to work after a week's holiday on Tuesday.

    My boyfriend also wants us to join the gym together, so hopefully I'll get some exercise in there.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    you gotta find out how tall you are. One inch can make a difference. Good for you for your honesty. It will help you on Mfp. Dont add anything or subtract anything from what MFP gives you. It has done all the work for you.:wink:

    Yeah, you're right. I need to, but I think I'd have to go to the doctor's for that, and appts. aren't easy to get there. Where else can I find out how tall I am? I have a tape measure but it's not long enough, and when I tried adding it together myself, I just ended up getting confused.

    And thank you! I like to think I'm an honest person.

    I won't add/subtract then :)
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    OK newbie, the first thing you need to do is slow down your thought process. Set a goal and stick with it for say...4 weeks. Losing 1/2 a pound to a pound a week is just fine. You don't need to take any numbers of when figuring what you caloric intake should be. So...
    1. set a reasonable goal of what you would like to lose each week and realize that you may not lose that each week.
    2. don't only set a caloric intake goal but a exercise goal for yourself. Try something like RunKeeper or one of the other walking/running apps out there.
    3. don't berate yourself if you mess up. Everyone messes up it is what you do with it that matters. If you go off track I wouldn't recommend starving the rest of the day. Just pick yourself up and start again.
    4. change your mindset. Probably the hardest thing to do. Don't keep looking at the past, look at the now and toward the future.

    I am 57 and have gained and lost more weight than you can imagine. I found that it is all in the way you look at things and accepting yourself for who you are on the inside. I wish you luck and remember you have value as a person and are worthy to think positive.

    I totally agree with Jeannie. You're stressing yourself to get everything right immediately and you need to slow down, take one thing at a time, and work with MFP, to see what works for you. If this is your first experience with a website such as this, it will take you some time to get used to it, see what it has to offer, and figure it out. I'm a bit older than the above poster, Jeannie, and can relate to the weight gained and lost lol!! Good luck and I know you will successful!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    you gotta find out how tall you are. One inch can make a difference. Good for you for your honesty. It will help you on Mfp. Dont add anything or subtract anything from what MFP gives you. It has done all the work for you.:wink:

    Yeah, you're right. I need to, but I think I'd have to go to the doctor's for that, and appts. aren't easy to get there. Where else can I find out how tall I am? I have a tape measure but it's not long enough, and when I tried adding it together myself, I just ended up getting confused.

    And thank you! I like to think I'm an honest person.

    I won't add/subtract then :)

    As far as measuring yourself, go to a bank or credit union. They have the height measurements on the side of the doors and I'm sure you could get a fairly good idea of your height. Just a suggestion.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    OK newbie, the first thing you need to do is slow down your thought process. Set a goal and stick with it for say...4 weeks. Losing 1/2 a pound to a pound a week is just fine. You don't need to take any numbers of when figuring what you caloric intake should be. So...
    1. set a reasonable goal of what you would like to lose each week and realize that you may not lose that each week.
    2. don't only set a caloric intake goal but a exercise goal for yourself. Try something like RunKeeper or one of the other walking/running apps out there.
    3. don't berate yourself if you mess up. Everyone messes up it is what you do with it that matters. If you go off track I wouldn't recommend starving the rest of the day. Just pick yourself up and start again.
    4. change your mindset. Probably the hardest thing to do. Don't keep looking at the past, look at the now and toward the future.

    I am 57 and have gained and lost more weight than you can imagine. I found that it is all in the way you look at things and accepting yourself for who you are on the inside. I wish you luck and remember you have value as a person and are worthy to think positive.

    You're totally right. I'm just over-thinking and panicking. I always get like this when I embark on something new, then I learn more and drink it in, then relax and become an expert ;)

    I've got to remember, though, I probably will lose some because I must have been eating 3000+ cals a day before.

    1. I think, for me, a 1lb weight loss a week is fine. Ideally, I'd like more, but that's just greedy, so 1 a week is fine by me. I have 30 lbs to lose, so that's 30 weeks, which is .. what, almost 7 months? So, that's reasonable, considering I'll be looking better before I even shed it all.

    2. And exercise goal for me, right now, is unlikely. I've been a slob for so long now, exercise is something I have to ease back into. I find it easier to concentrate on my cals, and exercise is a bonus, if you know what I mean?

    3. I shall try not to. I, like many others, had that hurdle in the past. I'd tell myself I couldn't eat something, start to desperately want it, then eat it, hate myself, so eat a whole trifle to cheer myself up *facepalm* or often times, I'd overeat just because I felt like it, and I wanted it, and I thought I'd never be able to lose weight so no point trying. I am really proud of myself because we went to my Nana's for Mother's day and I had my Nana's Jamaican food (rice w/ kidney beans, macaroni cheese, some salad - no meat because I'm a vegetarian), and also some apple pie and custard afterwards. I had a small portion of the food, which is a miracle because I REALLY wanted lots of it, and not as much dessert as I would have had before. And I didn't beat myself up about it - it was a treat, and we are all allowed one. :)

    4. Mindset - defo! I've got to be POSITIVE, and remember that I'm doing this for ME, and my hubby. And I CAN do it. I want the body in my profile picture back - so much, it hurts. I've been fat for too long now, and it's made me miserable. I feel disgusting. So it's time to take control, and be ME again! :)

    Thanks a lot for answering, and I wish you luck in your journey :)
  • djlevron
    djlevron Posts: 20
    Here is the thing you need to work out... you need to burn 3500 calories a week to lose 1 pound, 3500 calories is the amount ( give or take a few) that is in a pound of fat, so you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories in a week. This means a deficit of 500 calories a day. So what does this mean... Burn more calories than you eat.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    you gotta find out how tall you are. One inch can make a difference. Good for you for your honesty. It will help you on Mfp. Dont add anything or subtract anything from what MFP gives you. It has done all the work for you.:wink:

    Yeah, you're right. I need to, but I think I'd have to go to the doctor's for that, and appts. aren't easy to get there. Where else can I find out how tall I am? I have a tape measure but it's not long enough, and when I tried adding it together myself, I just ended up getting confused.

    And thank you! I like to think I'm an honest person.

    I won't add/subtract then :)

    As far as measuring yourself, go to a bank or credit union. They have the height measurements on the side of the doors and I'm sure you could get a fairly good idea of your height. Just a suggestion.

    Omg, seriously?! In England? I never knew that! Why do they have that?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    OK newbie, the first thing you need to do is slow down your thought process. Set a goal and stick with it for say...4 weeks. Losing 1/2 a pound to a pound a week is just fine. You don't need to take any numbers of when figuring what you caloric intake should be. So...
    1. set a reasonable goal of what you would like to lose each week and realize that you may not lose that each week.
    2. don't only set a caloric intake goal but a exercise goal for yourself. Try something like RunKeeper or one of the other walking/running apps out there.
    3. don't berate yourself if you mess up. Everyone messes up it is what you do with it that matters. If you go off track I wouldn't recommend starving the rest of the day. Just pick yourself up and start again.
    4. change your mindset. Probably the hardest thing to do. Don't keep looking at the past, look at the now and toward the future.

    I am 57 and have gained and lost more weight than you can imagine. I found that it is all in the way you look at things and accepting yourself for who you are on the inside. I wish you luck and remember you have value as a person and are worthy to think positive.

    I totally agree with Jeannie. You're stressing yourself to get everything right immediately and you need to slow down, take one thing at a time, and work with MFP, to see what works for you. If this is your first experience with a website such as this, it will take you some time to get used to it, see what it has to offer, and figure it out. I'm a bit older than the above poster, Jeannie, and can relate to the weight gained and lost lol!! Good luck and I know you will successful!

    Defo. I always do this. I done this when I started charting, I done this when I started learning about/looking after my hair. I just always want to get everything JUST right, then I ease into it, research, listen, learn and gain confidence. Once I relax, it's fine, and I get results :)

    I have been on MFP before, and I lost 9 lbs, but I was on a thing called Diet Chef then, so it wasn't exactly autonomous.

    It just seems all new to me now. I'll take a breath, and calm down. Once I have my first weigh in (on Friday, yay!), and hopefully will have lost some, I'll be more relaxed ;)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Here is the thing you need to work out... you need to burn 3500 calories a week to lose 1 pound, 3500 calories is the amount ( give or take a few) that is in a pound of fat, so you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories in a week. This means a deficit of 500 calories a day. So what does this mean... Burn more calories than you eat.

    Haha, maths has never been my strong point, though.

    I mean, a deficit from what? My BMR? The cals I was eating before? The GDA of cals for a woman? From what?