I've been "stuck" for some time.. need to be pushed!

HI all!

So I am new to this site, but not weight loss. I am a 25 year old female.. I'm 5'7"...I started at 181 lbs, and now I am around 160. I have gone down to 155 (briefly), but have mostly stayed around 160 for quite some time. I did really well with my weight loss for awhile.. but for the past year, I've been at somewhat of a standstill. I am constantly trying to lose weight, but I cannot seem to sustain my efforts long enough to keep any new weight off... I'll lose a few pounds.. be motivated for a little bit, and then I break.. and I'm back to where I started! It's so frustrating. I'm glad I've been able to keep the 20 lbs off.. but I am not done yet!! I need pushed! I give in so easily to bad foods.. I make excuses. I so easily ruin an entire days worth of good eating in an evening!

How do you all keep going? How do you push yourself??

I have a wedding coming up in 90* days... I thought that would be enough, but I'm still struggling!


  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    If you can maintain 160.. maybe that's where your body is telling you to stay.
    I know mine is perfectly happy staying about 160 even thought I wish it was less... but I refuse to starve myself to get there.
    I just try to eat healthy and exercise and not gain :)

    I am only 5'4 and happy with 160... so I'd be even happier if i was 5'7! Nothing wrong with size 8/10/12 ---- makes you normal :)
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    i just think about how unhappy i was when i was at my highest weight. i've never been my goal weight since i was in late elementary/early middle school, so i just imagine how i'll feel about myself when i get there and use that as motivation!
    also, i have a really strong support system (here, tumblr, and my boyfriend), which definitely helps.
    i also set mini-goals which make it a lot easier. i have a list written up and hanging on my board with the weight i'll be after losing each 5 pounds and 5% bodyweight. i have some rewards, too! i'm buying some new running shorts when i hit 149 pounds and a lululemon shopping spree when i'm down 25%! plus, i put a super cute rainbow striped bikini on layaway and what a waste of money that would be if i couldn't fit into it or be confident enough to rock it at the beach at the end of june!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I was "stuck" at 160 for awhile too (as in that was my base for like 3 months) even though it changed by a few lbs...I FINALLY broke my stuckness and have lost 6lbs in the last 2 weeks because i changed my calories.

    Try changing your calories, either up or down, and see if that makes a difference. I changed mine from 1370 to 1200 and have lost consistently since I did that 2 weeks ago...I've seen some people say they do better eating more but play with it, see if that helps. I haven't changed anything else in my routine but that...

    (Even though I haven't changed my weigh in yet cuz I don't wanna jinx it) heheh
  • I have the same problem!! After losing 20 pounds im just stuck! Im around 168........those dreaded 160's.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    The same thing happened to me,but I was stuck at 175. I was told to increase my calories,which I did and I continued exercising. I dropped to 170 and once again was here for several months. Now I cut back a little on my calories and started losing again. So like I read before play around and increase or decrees. I went from 1200 to 1650 and started losing. Now I'm st for 1550 but usually eat around 1400 and I'm losing again. Good luck in your journey. You'll figure it out and get where you want to be.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I got a smart phone so I could get the MFP app (that is the sole reason I got the phone), so I had no excuse for not logging in every day. I try to plan out my entire day's worth of food in the morning and log it, then if something comes up and I need to switch something out, I know what I have to work with. I also linked MFP with my Facebook page, so every time I work out or lose weight, it posts on my wall, and my real-life friends see it. Putting it out there like that helps me stay accountable. I had to stop thinking about 6 mos from now and only think about what I'm doing today, then I didn't feel so overwhelmed.
  • wilsonksam
    wilsonksam Posts: 3 Member
    I understand how you feel girl. Ive felt defeated too, but I've found these wraps a year ago after my third child in four years and I started using them and they told me they lift tone and tighhten and 45 minutes so I tried them!! I lost a half inch in my arms in 45 minutes and 1 1/2 72 hours later. Then I did my tummy and lost 4 inches in 45 minutes and my skin was lifted and texture of skin was much tighter and hydrated and healthy! I would love to help you continue to live a healthy life style and improve those areas your just not happy with. BTW i went on and went from a size 18 to 12 in 5 months :) I am now on baby four and using our amazing stretch mark cream and my stretch marks are shrinking and disappearing while I'm pregnant! If you would like to get your wraps for 4 for $59 go to www.fightfat.myitworks.com
  • LizRodmell
    LizRodmell Posts: 70 Member
    You sound so much like i was! last year this could have been me!. loosing then gaining, then loosing then gaining more back! then i gave up and stopped caring. By christmas i was 226lbs :(

    Maybe try a new workout rouine. i started Insanity back in January and havent looked back! so maybe just a chnge up in routine is all you need
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    OP has deactivated her account, sadly, some people are not willing to go the whole haul