Too fat to exercise...

I remember starting many sentences with this I am too fat...
I am too fat to go to the gym
I am too fat to go hiking
I am too fat to swim
I am too fat to be active
This year I decided to grow up and put those excuses to a halt. It has been difficult and I am sometimes discouraged but I keep on going..and I feel great about myself :) I don't use those excuses anymore. I learned that I am my own worst enemy along this journey..I push myself and in the end I enjoy the results I started at a whopping 338/340 maybe more..I avoided the scale like a plague I am now at a 304.6 :) to be exact I exercise and eat better (most of the time) I do cheat but I control myself..I am so excited to see how this year ends. I really hope that no other person out there tells themselves the same thing I did.. I hope you will love yourself enough to make the change..No matter what number you see in the scale you are able to change it :) I did and so can you <3 my support and love Jess



  • 4lelito
    4lelito Posts: 90
    finally fixed the pics
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Well said! Congratulations and keep up the great work!
  • seekingstrengthX2



  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Jess, thank you so much for sharing that! I respect what you've done and will share it with another who may need that nudge to get going. :-D

    By the way - you are looking GREAT! Keep up the fantastic effort because it's certainly paying off.

  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Good for you! Keep up the great work!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    YOU ...ARE...AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work and know that you are an INSPIRATION!!
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I wish I knew how to share this with everyone on are such an inspiration...YOU ROCK!!!!
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    You can also try Leslie Sansone videos. They are walk at home program (DVD). They are great to for walking 1,2,3, or 4 miles. your local library might have copies. Good luck to you ! :happy:
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I find your words inspirational.

    Whenever I was at the gym and saw a really large person, I always thought to myself, "I hope to see this person again every week." I was secretly rooting them on.

    I hope that whomever else who is afraid to go the gym out of fear of what others think, should consider that there may be others like myself, truly hoping you find success in your journey, without judgment at all.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    Great inspiration. Great work. Congratulations for your focus and dragging yourself past your excuses!!
  • nekoxvampyx
    nekoxvampyx Posts: 163
    work it girl!! keep up the awesome job :)
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    That is fantastic! I saw the post title and was all set to come here and say "No one is too fat to exercise!" And then you had already said it (in so many words). Good for you!
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    There is a really fat lady at our gym who I overheard having a conversation with the personal trainer. She is 62 and wants to lose over a hundred pounds by next January, when her birthday is. She started this Janurary. She is still there, training with her personal trainer at eight in the morning three or four times a week. I am really hoping she reaches her goal. There are many overweight and obese people at the gym. That's the whole reason for going to the gym, to lose weight! (Well, for most of us) So don't ever feel weird about it.
  • leogirl724
    You Are A W E S O M E!

    December 2011, I weighed in at 307...I am currently 273.

    I bought a ski machine in January...when I first got on it, my feet hurt after two my first official workout was 2 minutes.
    Then I went five, then ten, then fifteen, then I do 25 minutes plus 5 minutes of sprints and 3 x a week weight training and some aerobics. I quit watching TV b/c I realized that hours and hours would go by and the only thing I got off the couch for was food and the potty....

    Once you make a decision, it's the next steps and taking it day by day that matters.

    Well done you~It's so wonderful to see someone 'Love Yourself Thin'

    Doing it for the right reason is the first step.
    Setting mini goals and challenging yourself are the next steps.
    Developing a healthy relationship with food is a key ingredient.
    Never giving the most critical.

  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    So glad you put that excuse to rest. Kudos to you and keep up the great work!!
  • gildinha
    gildinha Posts: 57 Member
    Way to go!! you're an inspiration :)
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Great attitude!!
  • countryrayne
    Wow! Keep up the good work! Thank you for this post. I often find myself thinking "I am too fat to do this or that" but I have found it is important to not let the negative thoughs take a hold of me. Leogirl724, I love the saying "love yourself thin"!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I find your words inspirational.

    Whenever I was at the gym and saw a really large person, I always thought to myself, "I hope to see this person again every week." I was secretly rooting them on.

    I hope that whomever else who is afraid to go the gym out of fear of what others think, should consider that there may be others like myself, truly hoping you find success in your journey, without judgment at all.

    I so feel the same way. I was once the obese person scared of what others may think and now I'm a healthier person secretly sending positive vibes to those that are where I once were who are working towards where I am now. are amazing and what you've written is very inspirational. I wish you much success in your journey. You've already made a huge progress and thats tackling your own way of thinking. Kudos.
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    This rocked my world today. I really enjoyed this and motivated me to push even more. You will hit your goal and more.