i haven't lost even 1 kg!?

I started dieting about 2 weeks ago and I have been following a calorie controlled diet plus I have joined the gym exercising 6 days a week with a mixture of weights and cardio.

I have been weighing myself weekly and i haven't been able to lose a single kilo :I I have been eating about 1200 calories which is recommended for my weight and height.

I dont know what else to do, Can anyone give me some advice?

This would be a typical day of eating for me:

breakfast - wholegrain cereal with milk or maybe 1 egg on toast
snack - 1 skim milk cappucino
lunch - tuna on a bread roll
snack - handful of nuts
dinner - grilled fish with veggies
snack - 1 apple

is there something wrong with this?
Also is it possible i could be gaining muscle and that is why im not seeing any drop on the scales?


  • seekingstrengthX2
    I would say you aren't eating enough. 1200 should be your NET consumption.


    If you do ZERO exercise on a given day, you should eat 1200 calories.

    If you exercise and burn, say 300 calories, you should be eating 1500 calories that day (so the net is still 1200).

    It appears you are not getting enough food. Your body will not let weight go if it's not being fueled properly.