How do you get enough protein in your low carb?



  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    What's already been said: Eggs, chicken, Lean ground turkey, non-fat Greek Yogurt, tuna, cottage cheese, string cheese, and protein shakes.

    I'm a big fan of the Atkins Advantage shakes -- Low carb, high protein, and delicious
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Obviously u can't only have protein shakes but they will seriously help with your intake...without them I could never reach my protein goal! Try to incorporate them into your day.. I like to have one first thing in the morning and another after working out...I look forward to my shakes more than my regular food now!! U can also make protein bars out of your protein powder for significantly less carbs than store bought bars!

    Good luck!!
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    liquid pasturized egg whites in a carton ( I find it at walmart) instead of breaking whole eggs & throwing away the yolk. No taste or texture, so add to almost anything. 3 TBS = 5 g protein.
    How about that protein water powder by Special K? I think it adds 10 g protein & 5 g of fiber, just add it to the water you need to drink anyway.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    How do you actually work out how much you're entitled to? What are macros? MFP have given me more carbs than protein.... so confused after reading this topic!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I try to eat my body weight in protein per day. Doctor's orders, since I have a carbohydrate-intolerant metabolism, I need to get around 60% of my calories from protein. I started out at over 300 lb, so I was eating over 300g per day, or around 50g 6x per day. Now I'm down to 240g per day. I've done this for over a year, so it's not that difficult any more.

    I have hypoglycemia, so I try to eat every three hours throughout the day. Even if you're not hypoglycemic, if you split it up like this, it's easier to get all the protein in without getting too full at any one sitting.

    I usually put a scoop of protein powder in my drink with every meal or snack. That helps. Also, try to stick with veggies that are higher in protein such as mushrooms and spinach. Every little bit helps. I snack on higher-protein things like pork rinds, cheese cubes, beef jerky and hard-boiled eggs. Hard-boiled eggs are my go-to convenience food, I'll boil a dozen each weekend & eat a couple every day throughout the week.

    For lunches at work, I bring cream of salmon soup, spinach quiche, meatloaf, or homemade chili (I make it without beans, add diced mushrooms, and double the meat). At home for supper, my favorite is a chicken breast, sliced open with a wedge of laughing cow cheese spread inside, then closed up again and wrapped in a slice of bacon and grilled. Any grilled or baked meat (steak, salmon, fish filet, shrimp kabobs, pork chops, tuna steak, chicken breasts) is good. When I'm in a hurry & don't have time to cook, frozen buffalo wings are good to microwave quickly. Or I'll get grilled chicken at KFC, or even get a couple of McDonald's burgers (order them without ketchup / mustard / mayonnaise, it's less messy) and eat them without the buns. It's just a matter of finding what works with your lifestyle.

    Good luck to you!
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Ok, so I am on a moderately low carb diet as recommended by my doctor. When calculating my macros, I keep getting that I need 142 grams of protein per day. That is on a 1400 calorie diet. I seriously can't figure out how it's possible to get that much protein crammed into that amount of calories. Yea sure if I drank five protein shakes per day with 27 grams of protein each then I would be okay but that would blow 1000 calories right there, and I wouldn't be able to enjoy my food. I like eating healthy sources of protein like Chicken, Nuts, Peanut Butter etc... but the protein amounts never come close at the end of the day and in order to get close I would have to go way over my calories, so it defeats the purpose. I am really frustrated by this, I need some advice on how other people deal with this please I would really appreciate it :)

    Check out this link. Hope it helps :smile:

    Thank you so much for that link! According to that it's less than half my original number, a much more attainable goal for me. Thank you :)
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think the general consensus is I will probably have to have at least a couple protein shakes, or bars in order to achieve it. I was hoping I wouldn't... but I am going to cut down the number still to a more achievable goal and start there. I will get some of the protein shakes/ bars suggested and try those out :)
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    i've been wondering this too
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    If you would like to add me as a friend and check out my diary you are more than welcome. I eat at my lean body mass (104 pounds) or higher a day in protein. It's really not hard. And I'm low carb (20-25 net carb per day).

    I eat a lot of chicken, eggs, usually 1 protein shake per day with 25 or more protein. I also have some great low carb muffin and bread recipes with flaxseed that have protein.

    It's really not hard. I average around 1500 calories per day depending on how hard my workouts are for the day.

    Fiber is where I tend to fall short on my low carb diet. But the flax seed bread and muffin recipes help me out with that and I take a fiber supplement now.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    140 grams of protein (or carbs) = 560 calories.

    My goal weight is 300 lbs (that was where I was competing in judo and jiu-jitsu). With 40%/40%/20% balance of Protein/Carb/Fat that is 275 grams of protein a day for me. (That is 1100 calories of protein)

    I have trouble meeting my goal of protein without protein powder. (even with a 2750 calorie goal) I put a scoop in my morning coffee, and if necessary, I will have a scoop in the blender with water and ice. The trick is to find a powder that has low carbs. I use bodyfortress, it has few carbs and is not expensive.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that egg whites are your friend. As well as fish, chicken, and venison if you can come by it
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think the general consensus is I will probably have to have at least a couple protein shakes, or bars in order to achieve it. I was hoping I wouldn't... but I am going to cut down the number still to a more achievable goal and start there. I will get some of the protein shakes/ bars suggested and try those out :)

    My vote's with Optimum Nutrition "100% Whey gold standard" - their cookies & cream tastes riddiculously amazing.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    For me, mostly lean-ish meats at protein powder. I average ~180g protein per day, but I'm not on low carb, so I do a lot of milk/dairy as well.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think the general consensus is I will probably have to have at least a couple protein shakes, or bars in order to achieve it. I was hoping I wouldn't... but I am going to cut down the number still to a more achievable goal and start there. I will get some of the protein shakes/ bars suggested and try those out :)

    I do 1 shake a day. If you make the effort to have protein rich meals, then you don't need to live on shakes/bars.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think the general consensus is I will probably have to have at least a couple protein shakes, or bars in order to achieve it. I was hoping I wouldn't... but I am going to cut down the number still to a more achievable goal and start there. I will get some of the protein shakes/ bars suggested and try those out :)
    GNC 100% Whey protein works really good in a shake for me in the mornings. I use cold coffee (brewed and then stored in the fridge) with some ice cubes and add caramel, chocolate, vanilla cinnamon or whatever to have a 'frozen latte' in the mornings. The protein gives it the creamy texture without the additional fats (or yucky side effects I get) from milk. I use unflavored because I am allergic to artificial sweeteners.
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    I eat around 1200 and usually get about 100 g protein/day... my diary is open if you would like to take a look!
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    I eat alot of hard boiled eggs and I take out the yolk so I dont have the fat but Im getting the high protein and low cals! I have a few through out the day..
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Feel free to check out my diary. I am carb-cycling right now, so today is a high carb day, but the past 3 (and next 3) days I will be at a 20/65/15 c/p/f ratio.
    Lots of lean meat, I like protien powder and cook it in different ways, greek yogurt, and cheeses and nuts.
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Don't forget nuts and beans as protein source. Be careful with unregulated protein supplement powders as some have been found to be contaminated with heavy metals.