Sick of the up and downs!!

So I currently weigh 65kg - three weeks ago I weighed 61kg - then three weeks before that I was 65kg again (and this has gone on for MONTHS). I want to get to 53kg but I'm really struggling to stick to this. I use pathetic excuses like oh I'm tired so I'll have a chocolate bar to wake me up at work then I get that silly all or nothing attitude and I go have fast food for lunch because I've 'blown' the day.

Well I'm sick of this - I am starting tomorrow morning and no matter how many slip ups I have I will go straight back to proper eating. I exercise 6 days a week and I am just ruining all my hard work with bad nutrition choices.

Does anyone have any tips for staying on track? Or is there anyone else struggling like this?


  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Eat clean (lots of veggies/fruits/low sodium or sugar products...etc). Eat slow digestive carbs to not get hungry too often.

    Boost up your metabolism a bit by eating low portioned throughout the day so you don't get into a starvation mode (when your body panics and stores in more fat). So maybe have 4 small meals if possible.

    Get enough carbs before you workout to get enough energy (but don't go over board), carbs are pretty much useless otherwise when it comes to losing body fat.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I have a sorta similar problem. When my hubby is gone, staying on track is easy but when he's home it's almost impossible lol. He's gone for weeks at a time so I still manage to "lose" but when he's home I'm very lucky if I maintain and will probably gain. Just this last weekend we went out for drinks and now I'm up nearly two pounds, which won't go away for ten or so days, and will only go away if we don't drink this weekend too.......which we probably will lol.

    My advice? Last year I ate right every day and worked out six days a week.....until my hubby got spring break (he works in the oil patch, so spring break for him is six to eight weeks long). So when he got home I looked and felt fantastic! Fast forward five weeks of him being home....I gained 15 pounds in five weeks! Yup, you read that right! Fifteen whole pounds! Lol. Looking back I wish I would have at least kept working out, but I didn't. If I would have maybe, I would be at my goal weight by now. So NEVER QUIT!! You'll have bad days, maybe even a bad week or two, but if you give up, you'll get nowhere (or gain tons like I did lol). When I gained that fifteen pounds, I gave up. Oh how I wish I wouldn't have!

    Just imagine where you would be if you had given up. If you hadn't lost those kg on your good may have gained even more than you have now! So never quit! Just keep on trying!

    Good luck :)
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I used to be you.
    Same thing. I would do well, do well, do well.... hmmmm, maybe I will buy that candy bar in the checkout line at Kroger. Then, CRAP, I BLEW IT, might as well go out for dinner and live it up!

    LOL :smile:

    I can't tell you what changed. I finally just got SICK of not being happy with myself. You have to get so flippin fed up about the whole damn situation that there just isn't any other option anymore.

    My husband and I were just talking about this yesterday, how much my attitdue has changed. It doesn't matter if I "slip up" now. It's one candy bar. Who cares? Grilled chicken and veggies for dinner anyway! I workout like CRAZY and I REFUSE to make it all for nothing.

    You can do it!!!!! It's all mental

    Change the mind, Change the body.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Whats MFP have you set at?

    How tall are you?
    body Fat %?

    I bet you dont eat enough to lose weight and your leptin is screwy.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks everyone it's good to know I'm not the only one with this issue!

    MFP has me at 1200. I'm 163cm (I realise my goal weight is on the lower side) and I'm currently 64.5kg. Last time I had my body fat percentage checked a couple of weeks ago it was 24%.

    I am new to this whole losing weight thing - this is the first time I've strayed above 55kg so I'm probably not eating enough and thinking about it, that's probably why eventually I go a little crazy!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Thanks everyone it's good to know I'm not the only one with this issue!

    MFP has me at 1200. I'm 163cm (I realise my goal weight is on the lower side) and I'm currently 64.5kg. Last time I had my body fat percentage checked a couple of weeks ago it was 24%.

    I am new to this whole losing weight thing - this is the first time I've strayed above 55kg so I'm probably not eating enough and thinking about it, that's probably why eventually I go a little crazy!

    BMR 1429
    TDEE 2215

    Meaning anything below 2215 is weight loss and anything below BMR is lean mass loss.

    Lean mass 49kg
    Fat 15kg

    You have almost perfect lean mass for your height (3lbs low).
    Losing anymore would be tragic.

    Set MFP to eat 1773 daily
    With Protein and Fat at 30% each and the fat will come off.

    the scale may move up for a few days but thats just the body replenishing its spent stores from working out.

    Eating at this rate, 1773, youll fix your stunted leptin levels (this tells the body to let go of fat) and increase Ghrelin (this tells the body its hungry when it should be).

    Please feel free to PM me with any questions regarding the MFP setting s and what you should expect with this diet.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks heaps! I've re-adjusted my settings I'm feeling good that this will be easier for me to stick to for more than a couple of weeks. And thanks to everyone else for sharing - I'm sure we will all get there (we might just be taking the scenic route sometimes).