Over 60 generation..are you out there? Still dieting?

I have fought with weight most of my life. Well since my 40's I guess would be more accurate. I need to loose 50 pounds now and seems like it use to be easy to just cut the calories and the weight would come off. Now its a real battle. WHY? Anyone else over 60 have any great ideas? Thanks


  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    I have fought with weight most of my life. Well since my 40's I guess would be more accurate. I need to loose 50 pounds now and seems like it use to be easy to just cut the calories and the weight would come off. Now its a real battle. WHY? Anyone else over 60 have any great ideas? Thanks
  • owegorose
    I'm not over 60, but you gave me a chance to answer that I am too young! :laugh:

    I am 57, and it is certainly harder to lose than it was years ago. My doctor gave me a couple of reasons why - your metabolism naturally slows down when you get older. She believes I also have insulin resistance that precedes diabetes, and that makes it harder to lose too. I'll see her again in a couple of weeks, but will have more bloodwork soon, but it wouldn't be a surprise. /diabetes is very common in my family (my mother and both her sisters,my grandmother, my great-grandfather, and my daughter). I have about 75 pounds to lose.
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    Thanks for your response, whats it feel like to say "Im too young"? hehehe Glad I gave your that opportunity. Good luck on your journey!
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    This is the way my doctor explained it to me when I was bemoaning the fact that the pounds seemed to be piling on especially in my belly when I had been one of those hated people who could eat whatever they wanted and never gain weight. Because I had a hysterectomy (withone ovary saved) he first checked my hormone levels and found that I was in the beginning stages of menopause. He then told me that my estrogen levels were declining rapidy causing my body to look for other places to get estrogen from. Unfortunately fat cells are where the body can produce estrogen so my body was working harder to convert calories into fat to increase those estrogen levels. And as we all know fat burns less calories than muscle. So even though I was reducing my calorie intake and attempting to excersise it was just not enough to keep up with the declining estrogen levels.

    What my doctor decided to do was to put me on some hormone replacement therapy (after discussing the risks and benefits) and I now consciously watch what I am eating and make it a point to exercise on a regular basis. I know that some people do not want to go the hormone route, but for myself the benefits outweighed the risks. Since I have been taking hormone replacements, my weight has become more manageable and my blood pressure has dropped significantly.

    I know this was kind of long and lengthy but I hope that maybe possibly it helped.