What's a better snack?

Should I have some almonds or a yoplait light yogurt?
I know almonds have a lot of fat but the yogurt has a lot of sugar and carbs.
Just curious which one is actually better for me? So clueless!


  • dnd858
    dnd858 Posts: 64
    Should I have some almonds or a yoplait light yogurt?
    I know almonds have a lot of fat but the yogurt has a lot of sugar and carbs.
    Just curious which one is actually better for me? So clueless!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    The fat in nuts is good fat, so vs. the sugar in yogurt, I would say go for the nuts.
  • mfinney
    mfinney Posts: 314
    nuts provide protein and healthy fat; but yogurt (NOT THE SUGAR-LADEN, MADE-SO-SWEET-TO-ACTUALLY-GET-SOMEONE-TO-THINK-IT'S-HEALTHY KIND) is also very good for you -- especially digestion. check the sugar content and ingredient list -- remember, the more ingredients in something, usually the worse it is for you.

    one thing you might try when you have this kind of question is find both in the database, add them to a meal on your food chart, and see which one is 1)better for you or 2) what you're lacking for the day.

    when in doubt, nuts are ALWAYS a good choice.
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    They are both ok for u have half a serve of each
  • mfinney
    mfinney Posts: 314
    Should I have some almonds or a yoplait light yogurt?
    I know almonds have a lot of fat but the yogurt has a lot of sugar and carbs.
    Just curious which one is actually better for me? So clueless!

    also, remember that nuts are a source of the good fats -- the kind your body needs. refined sugar is NOT a nutritional necessity.