Net Calories During Pregnancy

Hello All!

I'm wondering if anyone knows how many net calories a pregnant woman should be consuming per day.
I have been aiming to exercise more, but naturally, the more I exercise, the more hungry I get. I'm almost 22wks pregnant or 5 1/2 months pregnant and have gained 8.6lbs. The last few months of pregnancy are the most challenging and I don't want to pack on the pounds, just gain healthily and steadily. Any suggestions would be fantastic!
Thank you!



  • Sytera
    Sytera Posts: 75
    I would think AT LEAST 2,000 calories. Personally, during my three pregnancies, I never left myself get hungry. I don't feel it is good for me or my growing baby to feel like I'm not eating enough. Yes, I could have made better choices (ice cream just wouldn't leave me alone) and will next time around. Hopefully someone with facts chimes in.

    Congratulations on the pregnancy!
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    You should talk to your doctor. When I was pregnant my dr said I'd be fine around 1500 calories. I've always heard you add 300 extra calories to your normal diet. I also think that you should never feel like you are starving.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    i'd set your cal goal at maintaining your weight i would imagine it'll set it at around 2000 cals which is what most woman need if not dieting.
    you don't need to eat for 2 you just need to eat healthy but don't obviously let yourself go hungry, lots of fruit and veg to help fill you up e.t.c
    don't deprive yourself pregnancy is hard enough x
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    Options has me between 1700- and 1900 calories, I was slightly overweight when I started by 5 pounds actually. You can set up a profile and see what they suggest under nutrtion
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    2,000 is for those at a healthy weight...just to clear that up from earlier posts. And 300 extra is what your bodies needs for baby so you are maintaining at 1500 then 1800.;..I have mine set a 1850...I am comfortable and not hungry at that intake.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    It's a sad day when a woman carrying a new life inside of her is more worried about how many calories she's taking in than whether or not she's getting enough nutrition - from real, whole, natural foods and not processed food products - for her and her baby.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone. I don't have kids and it's doubtful at this point that I will (I'm 41). But it's kind of selfish, I think. I just can't understand it.
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    Funny...I have spent my whole pregnancy using my 1200 as a base, eating back my exercise calories, and then eating between, if i'm still hungry. But for me, 2000 would be way more than I could handle unless I was eating junk. I just try to make healthier choices, and i log my food here, but don't sweat it if I go over for the day (obviously, since I'm set at 1200 plus exercise).... and I gained quite a bit in my 2nd trimester (20 pounds to be exact) but so far in 3rd tri haven't gained anything....I believe if you are eating healthy foods, you should eat when hungry and not let yourself go for long with hunger pains b/c I feel it is your body and baby saying you need something. But always discuss with your doctor. None of us are professionals, and when it involves you and your baby, you should be extra sure to talk to your OB since he would know better based on your health history, weight, and such. Good luck and congrats!!!! Just remmeber to eat healthy (for me the ice cream does get me sometimes :P ) and take care of yourself. If you gain weight, it can be lost after the baby. Every pregnancy is different, as are the moms. Best of luck!!!
  • amzasmommy
    amzasmommy Posts: 57 Member
    I'd ask your dr. Mine put me on 1800 calories, but I had gestational diabetes and right now not pregnant I'm aiming to take in 1350 calories. You should take in 500 calories more than you do non pregnant generally.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    It's a sad day when a woman carrying a new life inside of her is more worried about how many calories she's taking in than whether or not she's getting enough nutrition - from real, whole, natural foods and not processed food products - for her and her baby.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone. I don't have kids and it's doubtful at this point that I will (I'm 41). But it's kind of selfish, I think. I just can't understand it.

    This is laughable. Seriously. Until you become pregnant and understand how challenging it is, don't comment.
    Save yourself the embarrassment.
    I care very much about my nutrition--in fact, it's something I think about daily. If you don't want to offend, don't say offensive things in a demeaning manner. If you intend to help, say something helpful. That would be my advice to you.

    For everyone else that CARED enough to reply kindly and non-judgmentally:

    The reason why I ask is because before becoming pregnant, I was at 1200cal (to lose 2lbs a week) and I would try and get 1000-1200 net calories after exercise in. I didn't know if that changed when you are pregnant or not. I was guessing that maybe net calories would be around 1500-1800, but I wasn't sure and I asked on MFP since I couldn't find great information on the internet. has my calories set at 2100-2450 and unless I exercise a lot, anything above 2100 has me gaining a bit too much.
    I am currently at 172lbs, 5'6", 2nd pregnancy, eat many organic/whole foods/vegetables/fruits and really want to make sure I don't over do it. I don't want to gain more than 20lbs this pregnancy and since I gained 2lbs in the last week (goal is .5lbs) I guess I'm a bit concerned.
    It is very unhealthy to gain too much weight during pregnancy, this is why I am concerned about my caloric intake and maintaining my health while I am pregnant with my son.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    It's a sad day when a woman carrying a new life inside of her is more worried about how many calories she's taking in than whether or not she's getting enough nutrition - from real, whole, natural foods and not processed food products - for her and her baby.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone. I don't have kids and it's doubtful at this point that I will (I'm 41). But it's kind of selfish, I think. I just can't understand it.

    it can be easy during pregnancy to lose focus on your eating and easy to gain more weight than you should, no one has said anything about her not eating nutritionally the op asked when pregnant how many calories she should be eating she obviously does not want to over eat an put on too much weight and obviously doesn't want to eat too little as she aware her baby needs nutrition
    pregnancy is really tough for many woman and when you see the pounds coming on you end up feeling like a beach whale it can be a horrible feeling and i see nothing wrong with an expectant mother wanting to be careful this in no way is selfish she is not putting her own needs above her unborn child if she didn't care she prob would not have asked the question in the first place.

    some woman starve themselves almost for fear of putting on weight - now that is selfish!
    just my honest opinion
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member

    it can be easy during pregnancy to lose focus on your eating and easy to gain more weight than you should, no one has said anything about her not eating nutritionally the op asked when pregnant how many calories she should be eating she obviously does not want to over eat an put on too much weight and obviously doesn't want to eat too little as she aware her baby needs nutrition
    pregnancy is really tough for many woman and when you see the pounds coming on you end up feeling like a beach whale it can be a horrible feeling and i see nothing wrong with an expectant mother wanting to be careful this in no way is selfish she is not putting her own needs above her unborn child if she didn't care she prob would not have asked the question in the first place.

    some woman starve themselves almost for fear of putting on weight - now that is selfish!
    just my honest opinion

    Thank you, dear. Those were my exact intentions and I appreciate your understanding. As I'm watching my waist expand, I keep praying that it is in a healthy way for this little one--gaining TOO much is SO unhealthy for our fact, if we gain the wrong type of weight, our babies can be underweight and depraved of what they need. After I have this little boy, it's gonna be hell to try and lose a lot of excess weight (believe me...I know from my first time around) if I don't this right this time. Big deal stuff.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If you care so much about your nutrition, why would you not be asking your doctor this??
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member

    it can be easy during pregnancy to lose focus on your eating and easy to gain more weight than you should, no one has said anything about her not eating nutritionally the op asked when pregnant how many calories she should be eating she obviously does not want to over eat an put on too much weight and obviously doesn't want to eat too little as she aware her baby needs nutrition
    pregnancy is really tough for many woman and when you see the pounds coming on you end up feeling like a beach whale it can be a horrible feeling and i see nothing wrong with an expectant mother wanting to be careful this in no way is selfish she is not putting her own needs above her unborn child if she didn't care she prob would not have asked the question in the first place.

    some woman starve themselves almost for fear of putting on weight - now that is selfish!
    just my honest opinion

    Thank you, dear. Those were my exact intentions and I appreciate your understanding. As I'm watching my waist expand, I keep praying that it is in a healthy way for this little one--gaining TOO much is SO unhealthy for our fact, if we gain the wrong type of weight, our babies can be underweight and depraved of what they need. After I have this little boy, it's gonna be hell to try and lose a lot of excess weight (believe me...I know from my first time around) if I don't this right this time. Big deal stuff.

    i understand perfectly i put on 4.5 stone on my first pregnancy i lost half it then got pregnant again was as sick as a dog and only put on 1.5 stone but it never came off and then my 3rd not sure exactly what i gained but had placenta previa was in hospital for 2 months till i delivered and was barely allowed off my bed

    i wish i had of understood more about calories and healthy eating and known about mfp if i had i might not have ended up with over 100lb to lose.

    hope your pregnancy goes well and best of luck
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    If you care so much about your nutrition, why would you not be asking your doctor this??

    I go to my midwife later this month and have been told what to gain and to continue with exercise but not a specific caloric/ net caloric number would be---and I guess I'd like to know.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member

    i wish i had of understood more about calories and healthy eating and known about mfp if i had i might not have ended up with over 100lb to lose.

    hope your pregnancy goes well and best of luck

    Thanks! I didn't understand what I was doing 1st time around (9yrs ago) and had a lot of health issues and ended up weighing in the 220s. I can't do that this time. It took me so long to recover after I had my son and I was literally a sick mess.

    Regarding Dr advice: From what I've seen and heard from Drs, they all say that pregnant women have a tendency to overeat (too many calories) and gain too much weight and that it is incredibly unhealthy for mom and baby. This is what I'm trying to avoid.

    My 1st OB-GYN really didn't know what caloric amount to tell me---she said that I could just keep it at 1200calories since I had explained that is what I was doing on MFP at the time. But, when she said to keep it at 1200cal I explained to her that I was losing weight at that number and I wasn't comfortable continuing to lose weight during my pregnancy. She told me to set my calories to maintaining my current weight which is what I have been doing.

    The question wasn't "How many calories should I be eating during pregnancy?" it was "How many net calories should I be consuming during pregnancy?" Which is a valid question because I have been exercising a lot more lately---If I'm exercising a lot, my net calories are going to go way down and I could lose weight. I don't want to do that. I was asking for advice from other mothers who have been there/done that and understand where I'm coming from.

    That's all.

    Thanks to EVERYONE who has offered their input thus far. Most of you have been absolutely lovely and helpful :)
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    I'm toying with this today too. I just found out I am pregnant and don't have a doctor's appointment for 5 weeks . . a lot can happen in 5 weeks! I don't want to go too low but I don't want to go too high either . . . hmmm, what's that perfect number??
  • awestrick
    awestrick Posts: 4 Member
    I just had twins and had to go to the Dr. every weeks to get weighed and towards the end every week. If I went to a weigh in and gained to much I knew I was eating to many calories and would cut back and if I didn't gain enough I would eat more. I also exercised through my whole pregnancy. I felt like I was eating all the time but I alway ate healthy things. I gained the 38 pounds that my Dr. told me I needed to and have 2 healthy boys. I weighed myself when I got home and had already lost 30 pounds. So I would just say weigh often, eat healthy, and keep active.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    I would make sure my net calories are close to my maintenance calorie since your goal is to add as little weight as possible without losing weight.

    Go over the numbers with your midwife and if she is unsure, ask her to refer you to a nutritionist. I had to use one in my last pregnancy (3 yrs ago) and I still use information I learned there.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    I'm toying with this today too. I just found out I am pregnant and don't have a doctor's appointment for 5 weeks . . a lot can happen in 5 weeks! I don't want to go too low but I don't want to go too high either . . . hmmm, what's that perfect number??

    congratulations :-)
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    I just had twins and had to go to the Dr. every weeks to get weighed and towards the end every week. If I went to a weigh in and gained to much I knew I was eating to many calories and would cut back and if I didn't gain enough I would eat more. I also exercised through my whole pregnancy. I felt like I was eating all the time but I alway ate healthy things. I gained the 38 pounds that my Dr. told me I needed to and have 2 healthy boys. I weighed myself when I got home and had already lost 30 pounds. So I would just say weigh often, eat healthy, and keep active.

    I would make sure my net calories are close to my maintenance calorie since your goal is to add as little weight as possible without losing weight.

    Go over the numbers with your midwife and if she is unsure, ask her to refer you to a nutritionist. I had to use one in my last pregnancy (3 yrs ago) and I still use information I learned there.

    These are great suggestions! My appointment is on Monday, so I will definitely ask my midwife more in depth questions and see what she has to say. I do weigh myself every day. If i notice I'm kinda beefing up I amp up the exercise a bit more and try to eat more fruits and vegetables instead of bread or pasta. I eat organic bread and whole wheat pasta, but the calories can add up from those... and lets be honest, chocolate calls my name.... but, I don't answer all the time :)