Looking for support buddies

Hi I'm Sarah, I've tried all the usual diets, weight watchers, rosemary conley and scottish slimmers but I get bored too easily and have put on 2 stone in the past year alone. It's really getting me down and I know it is affecting my health. This year is the year I WILL get myself down to a size 12 :)

I started my mission to lose 3 stone on 12th March.

Starting Weight : 187lbs
Target Weight : 145lbs

This is the year! We have all joined this site with the same objective, to lose weight and keep it off. There will be times we all need a bit of support and encouragement and there will be times when we have a wobble and lose motivation but at least if we have the support of each other, nothing is impossible x:flowerforyou:


  • amandaramsey
    amandaramsey Posts: 9 Member
    Would love to be extra support! I'm looking for it also. I've just started AGAIN in the last week and could use some positive support when things get tough or when I stumble. I've tried many things and quit both from boredom and frustration. Usually I get frustrated with the amount of time that it takes to plan, shop and cook healthy meals and then the added time for working out which I really do like (well ok I like the feeling I have after the workout is done).

    I'm at 189 now and would like to get to about 145-150 so we have similar goals. I can't count the number of times I've gotten half way there and went back to my old habits...... I'd like to enjoy the coming spring and summer without feeling the need to hide myself.

    Here's to a successful journey!!