Best exercises to lose the most calories



  • mellorunner
    I find that biking a lot is a great way to go. Burned about 2600 calories today, just from biking. It's time intensive, but enjoyable.
  • msstatz
    msstatz Posts: 163 Member
    I find that biking a lot is a great way to go. Burned about 2600 calories today, just from biking. It's time intensive, but enjoyable.
    Just curious how long, how hard and at what intensity did you bike for?
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I find that biking a lot is a great way to go. Burned about 2600 calories today, just from biking. It's time intensive, but enjoyable.
    Just curious how long, how hard and at what intensity did you bike for?

    I can't see his stuff, but at my stats that would take about two and a half hours going about twenty on a paved trail, which isn't terribly brutal if you ride a lot. Street riding takes a lot of braking which tends to put a cap on how fast you can go depending on how the lights are spaced.
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    I find that biking a lot is a great way to go. Burned about 2600 calories today, just from biking. It's time intensive, but enjoyable.
    Just curious how long, how hard and at what intensity did you bike for?

    I can't see his stuff, but at my stats that would take about two and a half hours going about twenty on a paved trail, which isn't terribly brutal if you ride a lot. Street riding takes a lot of braking which tends to put a cap on how fast you can go depending on how the lights are spaced.
    thats an impossible calorie burn for that intensity and time. about half that would be more accurate.
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member

    i just started spinning - i love it! I don't have a Heart Rate Monitor right now but I think the calculations for spinning in MFP are way off. It has 60 minutes equaling a burn of 422 calories, and I don't think that's right. right?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Also realize - some people post up some completely unreal numbers - so don't be disappointed if you don't burn 10,000 calories in 20 minutes on the elliptical like someone else claimed to.

    Things like strength training can have very low burn amounts too - but fantastic results. So its not always about the calories.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Everyone burns a different number of cals doing different exercises. Varying degrees of intensity, gender, and weight all play a role in the burned cal count. Comparing your burns to others' can be very defeating.

    Do your own workouts, vary the exercises, bust your *kitten*, and quit worrying about what everyone else is doing.

  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    Generally speaking I burn 10 cals/minute whether I run, bike, or do an elliptical. That's at my normal pace, for my body weight, age, fitness level. Again, it's going to vary from person to person, but that is how I burn most calories, except for boxing. I think I average a little more with that.
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    Speed rope

    are these sometimes called "battle ropes"
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    It's highly unlikely that anyone is burning 1000 calories in an hour of anything.

    Get a HRM, do some different types of exercises, and see where you come out and what works best for you. Calorie burn can be really individual, so that's the best advice I can give. And MFP wildly exaggerates calories burned, so don't use that.
  • suibhne
    suibhne Posts: 17
    I'm not light, but I typically see a burn of 1200-1500 when doing 2 or more hours of bicycling, at a very moderate pace (12-14mph) with some hills. I don't want to sound negative, but 2600 calories in 2 hours of biking sounds a little crazy to me, unless maybe you're doing serious hills at strong speeds with a lot more weight than your bike is built to carry. (I have a touring bike made for higher weights than most road/mountain bikes, and it's still close to capacity - tho 30 lbs farther from capacity than when I started MFP. ;) )

    The best activity I've found for calorie burn is strenuous hiking with elevation gain, but that's obviously tough to access in most places. The stair machine also does it for me, but I can't even last a half-hour on that thing, much less an hour.

    Focus on finding something you enjoy. And instead of trying to pack the highest burn into one hour, you could also try breaking that up into a few periods - like maybe two HIIT sessions in a day. You might end up burning a lot more calories than you expect, and you might end up in better shape in the end (well, depending on how you define "shape" - but great everyday fitness, anyway).
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    lift weights GO H.A.M and do Hit cardio
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Any high cardio plan mixed with full body resistance such as Kettle Bells will melt fat.
  • dizzleLA
    dizzleLA Posts: 5
    more weights, less cardio. I was a cardio junkie at the begining of my journey SMH, lifting weights 4 days a week HIIT 2. leaned out loosing fat not muscle. crossfit exersices are pretty awesome also. 15-20 minutes of hot diggity dog. get your heart pumping blood flowing muscles growing and fat melting. count your macros
    But whats your goal marathon runner look or fit bod.
    If its marathon runner go HAM 1 hr cardio sesions go ride a bike for 15 miles
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I, personally, LOVE Tae Bo :flowerforyou:

    But there's alot to choose from out there. Find something you enjoy. Try lots of different things. It's good to get variety.

    I just have always loved kickboxing, boxing, martial art type workouts....I guess I like to hit SH....I mean Stuff :bigsmile: :smokin:
  • mellorunner
    I did about an hour and fifty minutes in the morning, an hour in the afternoon, and two shorter rides (about 20 minutes a piece) in the evening (I bike to commute). The morning ride was averaging around 16mph, afternoon was really pushing it, and the 2 shorter rides were between 14 and 15mph. All on roads, and my bike is a crossover.
  • msstatz
    msstatz Posts: 163 Member
    I find that biking a lot is a great way to go. Burned about 2600 calories today, just from biking. It's time intensive, but enjoyable.
    Just curious how long, how hard and at what intensity did you bike for?

    I can't see his stuff, but at my stats that would take about two and a half hours going about twenty on a paved trail, which isn't terribly brutal if you ride a lot. Street riding takes a lot of braking which tends to put a cap on how fast you can go depending on how the lights are spaced.

    thats an impossible calorie burn for that intensity and time. about half that would be more accurate.

    That is what I was thinking.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    I find that biking a lot is a great way to go. Burned about 2600 calories today, just from biking. It's time intensive, but enjoyable.
    Just curious how long, how hard and at what intensity did you bike for?

    I can't see his stuff, but at my stats that would take about two and a half hours going about twenty on a paved trail, which isn't terribly brutal if you ride a lot. Street riding takes a lot of braking which tends to put a cap on how fast you can go depending on how the lights are spaced.
    thats an impossible calorie burn for that intensity and time. about half that would be more accurate.

    I Agree.

    As a comparison, a marathon runner weighing around 130lbs will burn approximately 2900 calories. A 210lbs marathon runner burns approx 3500 calories.

    Cycling will be a lot less, regardless as to how fast they are cycling.
  • iarelarry
    iarelarry Posts: 201 Member
    Squats! Accept no other alternatives!!