one of those "Ah-HA!" moments

i just thought i would share this, because it hit me like a brick. i was sitting in my office break room eating lunch, and on the table are these giant yummy looking sweet potato muffins with cream cheese icing. i read the nutrition info on the package and realized my entire lunch (chicken noodle soup, wheat thins, an apple and a nectarine) was almost HALF the calories in one of those muffins! they immediately became completely unappetizing to me. just thought i would share :)


  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I annoy co-workers when they offer me something becaue I always look at the nutrition package and then hand it back to them and say "no thank you." they get offended like I am telling them they should not be eating it. But whatever lol
  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    Isn't that the best feeling?! The crap that I use to eat now just doesn't even sound good when I realize all of the healthy food I could have in place of one tiny thing. There are still times I crave things like that, but honestly, it changes your point of view when you actually start reading what is in the food you are consuming!

    Love it!
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I feel better knowing I can beat certain foods I would normally eat, through healthier alternatives or using healthier ingredients lol.

    Take pizza for instance. I used to have either a Goodfellas Thin Base Pepperoni Pizza, Chicken Barbeque or a Ristorante Pepperoni-Salami Pizza. The whole pizza would come to like 1200kcal and I would eat it within 10 to 15 minutes and still feel hungry. So I would snack on sweets, crisps, whatever I could find to stop me from feeling hungry.

    Now I make my own pizza's, which are probably around the same size as a regular pizza from the store. I use Mature Light Cheddar, and don't use a lot. I use tinned tuna, or chicken breast. Mushrooms, peppers, onions and low fat bolognese sauce. Put it in the grill for 10 to 15 minutes. The pizza is about 450kcal and it's so filling. It takes me longer because it's packed with either fish, lean meats and/or veggies, so it's hard to pick up. I have to use a knife and fork to eat the pizza, so it takes me a little longer.

    Keeps me full and almost a third of the calories. Low in fat, low in sugar and carbs, really high in protein.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    I could scarf down one of those muffins right now.......I need the calories.
  • HeartlessHarlot
    HeartlessHarlot Posts: 65 Member
    It's amazing when that feeling hits you for the fist time. I remember my moment. I could have 5 chicken nuggets, or, I could have a large bowl of oatmeal with bananas, walnuts and a few choclolate chips. It's all downhill from here!!! The choices will just get easier.

    @Hope516 - I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who does that and gets the evil eye from co-workers!!!