got new shoes - ouch!

MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
Having reached my goal of runing 30 mins each morning last week, I followed everyone's advice & went out at the weekend to buy some proper, fitted running shoes. I know my gait is awful - you can see it in the way I wear down normal shoes, so it came as no surprise that I needed runing shoes with a serious built up/support.

I wore them this morning for my normal run - and I could realy feel the difference. My muscles ache in completely different places!

I normally do the 30DS in the evenings, but my legs do ache quite a lot. Should I just press on through? Or take a break from the 30Ds for a couple of days? Or drop down my run to a bit shorter again? Any advice?


  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
  • cfremon
    cfremon Posts: 44 Member
    Any chance you could break them in slowly? Like wearing them for one run out of every three? Or every other run? Or cut down the time you run each day and then slowly build up?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    You don't have to wear them for 30DS. But you can take rest days, too, ya know? It's recommended!