what do you eat on a typical day?

As above really, what do you normally at on a typical day, i was shocked to see i was easily consuming 4/5000 calories a day, so going down to 1377 is a bit of a shock, need some nice ideas....


  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    i think my food diary is public if you want to have a look, but i cook from scratch my dinners using low cal ingredients and i always try to make sure at least 1/3 of my plate is of veg of some kind, breakfast i tend to stick with banana and branflakes with skimmed milk lunch i could have eggs with beans and some salad or chicken and veg with baby potatoes and i snack on fruit - it seems to be working for me so far hopefully my weigh in on thursday will be a good one :-)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I just have non wheat based cereal or a shake if I don't have time for breakfast.

    lunch is small bowl of salad or a shake, sometimes.. eggs or cheese on (gluten free)toast on my spike days.

    dinner is salad or vegetables with lean white meat or fish most days, on a spike day I add a bit of potato or might have small portion of rice.

    snacks: usually fruit or carrot sticks, sometimes ryvita with choc philly on to satisfy the choccy cravings@TOTM on non-spike days.(or a choc chip rice snack-a-jack rice cake). spike days maybe bit of chocolate, or gluten free brownie or GF flapjacks.. occasionally a packet of crisps and a brandy & coke if get chance to go to pub! (I make sure I exercise on those days!)
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Typically I'll eat:
    Brekkie - 25g oats with 30g protein powder and 150 ml semi skimmed milk
    Lunch - Can be anything really, usually some form of meat/fish with a starchy thing and at least two veggies.
    Dinner - Similar to lunch usually, but also varies.
    Snacks - Fruit, yogurt, chocolate, cake, granola bars, dry cereal... There's a huge list of that stuff.
    Basically I set my diary to 1600 cals at a 50% carb, 25% protein and 25% fat ratio. I try to reach the macros and stay up to 200 cal either side of my calorie goal.