Taking My Body Back

So names Maria, am 33, been married almost 16 years, and always struggled with being on the larger end of the dress size and although I knew someday I'd have to do something about it, it wasn't that day so why bother. Well last October I started eating a little better snaking a little less or snaking on better things and trying, in baby steps, to head down the right path cause whenever I try drastic changes they work for a bit but then I always fall off the horse as it were. Then about a month ago I dusted off the elliptical we bought some years back and started using that. Now my husband loves running outside but myself I trip over my own feet walking around my house and I managed to sprain my ankle really bad once (I mean black and blue, looked like I shoved a orange under my skin, couldn't walk right for several weeks) just walking the dog on flat sidewalk so truthfully I know if I put on my headphones and forget about thing I will end up in a ditch with a busted knee or something. Now no worries I still walk the dog and even take her to a field but I watch were I step and don't even think about running lol I leave that to hear the moment I take the leash off she jogs away with her tongue hanging out having a ball rofl. So I have chosen the elliptical figuring it's better the nothing. I've managed to work off 30 something pounds since October and although I still have over 100 till I reach my goal I'm hopefully optimistic. I'm old enough to know it won't all come off by tomorrow but see I have this family trip planned next April - May area (we haven't nailed down a exact date) and I'd really like to feel good in a bathing suit. Now I know I won't be a super model but my whole entire family is thin (I was adopted rofl) and would really like to be more confident then I am now. So I'm what with my elliptical and this wonderful site I'm hoping to drop a few pounds before our trip. Plus, if that happens that mean a new wardrobe... bonus!!! :D


  • meanemma86
    welcome to mfp, i wish you all the best in your weight loss journey :)

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  • Snotori
    Snotori Posts: 156
  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Glad to have you here. Exercise is one of my down falls. I am struggling to get past doing my stationary bike 2 miles. I have an eliptical but it hurts my knees and I tire after 1 min. of use. I also don't sleep well so I am thinking this has a lot to do with it and why I am so tired during the day. I am glad to hear you are getting some use out of your eliptical and have lost some weight. Good luck in your mission.
  • kezzafitmum73
    hi im new here please add me :)