I need more Energy? Any Ideas?



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    First and foremost, make sure you're getting adequate sleep. I mean actual sleep, not continuously waking up or tossing and turning. You want actual rest both in quality and quantity. If you're running on 4 hours' sleep every day, you're going to be tired and it will affect your desire to be active.

    Stay hydrated, make sure you're not depriving yourself of food, and try to keep yourself stress-free as much as possible. As well heavy foods like pasta, bread, fried foods and other such things can make you sleepy. Have you ever noticed after a big meal you get the desire to take a nap? That's what you want to avoid. Our bodies tend to think when we've gorged that, like cavemen, we've had a good hunt and need to rest because there's no need to go back out right away.

    Personally I'd try to stay away from caffeine or energy drinks/supplements as much as possible because they can have negative affects on you if you go without (I worked at a coffee shop in the morning, I've seen what people become from caffeine withdrawal) but if you need caffeine, drink tea or just watch your coffee intake. Tea has less caffeine than coffee but has other properties that are good for your body.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ooh, vitamin D and iron deficiencies are energy zappers, too!
  • janelora
    janelora Posts: 7
    If you had blood work done, check your B-12. A lot of people are lacking and cannot get enough from food or oral supplements. I was in a severe fog and this was discovered during a regular physical. I started weekly injections and it made a world of difference. After my levels came up I then went to one per month.
  • date_navis
    date_navis Posts: 3 Member
    I know ILL probably get slammed for this. Lol. But, you know, nothing works better for me than a good ol' sugar free Red Bull, or something similar. I think as long as you are eating a balanced diet (and I would include carbs like veggies and whole grans and things that have a higher glycemic index like OJ; especially in the mornings) you should feel like you have more energy soon, but, there is nothing wrong with that little alkaloid we all know and love every now and again. However, the danger lies in the CALORIES that usually come with it, which is why I stick with the sugar free. You don't have to rely on it, just as you need. Hope this helps. . . Oh, and low Iron and Vit D can be solved with fortified cereal and SUNSHINE!!(/a good multi-vitamin).
  • acksaysbillthecat
    Sugar is the biggest thing to make you tired. If you cut out cookies and cokes, over time you will feel much better. In fact, after you stop eating sugar, if you do eat a cookie, you will feel yourself get tired within a few minutes.

    A great podcast I've been listening to is from a nutritional group called 'Nutrtional Weight and Wellness" I found it on iTunes. Then you can search for their energy program. They will go over the minerals and stuff you can eat to help with that.
  • peghall
    peghall Posts: 5 Member
    I have been juicing and have cut bread and other wheat products out. Eating more veggies and fruits give you more sustained energy without boosting your blood sugar so you don't get the crash. Grains even whole grains are actually appetite stimulate. Read "Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health" by William Davis http://www.amazon.com/Wheat-Belly-Lose-Weight-Health/dp/1609611543/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1308754495&sr=8-1
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    what does your diet look like? you know calories are a unit of energy
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Are you getting enough to drink? I know that in my case if I'm dehydrated, my blood pressure drops and makes me veryyyy tired.
    Try taking a short walk, sometimes that helps. As far as the B vitamins, I'm taking them and haven't noticed a thing after about a month so far. Are you eating enough carbs? I was once one of those dummies on one of those 'fad' diets that restricted carbs and I was tired ALL the time. You need some for energy. Make sure you eat good quality food that is as close to it's natural state as possible. When I started eating 'better' food, my energy level went up and now if I eat the 'bad' stuff my stomach can't tolerate it and I feel gross. I don't know any other way to describe it but it makes me not want 'garbage' food anymore. Ok rarely. lol
    Good luck and I hope you find what works for you soon! You can do this!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I would say make it a point to make sure you're going to sleep every night at the same time. I've read it's the hours before midnight that make a difference.

    Drink plenty of water, and try to eat whole (unprocessed foods) as much as possible. Also, make sure to eat enough. Sometimes when you're cutting calories, if you cut too much you'll feel fatigued.
  • groovyfirechick
    I was having the tired all the time issue too and my doctor discovered my iron was dangerously low. I take iron supplements every day now and feel MUCH better!