Running shoes that look really nice

I am looking for a pair of new running shoes that look really good. Perhaps something like hte Nike Free Run. Any other ideas?


  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I bought last pair of running shoes based about 40% on looks. Worst mistake I ever made. After more blisters than i can remember and numerous pairs of bloody socks from where the shoes ended up running my feet raw after having had them for awhile, I hobbled into a running store to get a running evaluation.

    That time, I bought 100% on comfort and it was the best thing I ever did. Would I have balked if the shoes that fit the best were the bright pink ones with yellow soles and green laces? Yes. Would I have still gotten them? Yes.

    As it is I went from my almost all black with a few subtle silver highlights to pale grey and fluorescent yellow. But with how amazing they feel on my feet and the improvement in my running I've seen since I got them, I couldn't care less what color they are or how they look.

    If you're buying shoes to wear out and about, factor in style. If you're buying shoes to actually run in, no one cares what your shoes look like, so buy the best ones for your feet. You'll thank yourself later. :)
  • dol826
    dol826 Posts: 26 Member
    I agree with wolfchild. Honestly, if you live near one, I suggest going to a running store. They will fit you to the proper shoe. In a running store, you are more likely to have a few choices of a shoe that will work well for your gait/style/foot shape, and you can choose from there. I wear big ugly clodhopper Saucony Hurricanes, and believe me, they are not what I would choose on looks, they are clunky, but they are what I need. I would love to try some of those awesomely bright colored Newtons, but for now I am staying with what works. In my experience, the running specialty store will also take the shoe back if you wear it at home for a day or two and find that something does not fit right. You may also get some good advice about running in general. No matter where you are in your running, we can always use good advice.

    Good luck!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I bought last pair of running shoes based about 40% on looks. Worst mistake I ever made. After more blisters than i can remember and numerous pairs of bloody socks from where the shoes ended up running my feet raw after having had them for awhile, I hobbled into a running store to get a running evaluation.

    That time, I bought 100% on comfort and it was the best thing I ever did. Would I have balked if the shoes that fit the best were the bright pink ones with yellow soles and green laces? Yes. Would I have still gotten them? Yes.

    As it is I went from my almost all black with a few subtle silver highlights to pale grey and fluorescent yellow. But with how amazing they feel on my feet and the improvement in my running I've seen since I got them, I couldn't care less what color they are or how they look.

    If you're buying shoes to wear out and about, factor in style. If you're buying shoes to actually run in, no one cares what your shoes look like, so buy the best ones for your feet. You'll thank yourself later. :)


    don't go for cheap or cute. go for what works for your gait and foot type. I spend an average of 100-130$ on a pair of running shoes. I mostly walked when I started at nearly 500 lbs. many months later I got bored with walking and started jogging. I was still over 400 lbs. at that point. Having the right kind of shoe made a world of difference. I gvie credit to 2 things as to why I was able to start jogging at such a high weight.

    1) stubborness and pretty much a big FU to all the doubters that said I couldn't
    2) doing my research and buying the right kind of shoe for me.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I certainly plan on getting the most comfortable one. I am wondering if there are any that look good so that I can make sure I try them on as well. Looks is a factor, but not the most important factor.
  • dol826
    dol826 Posts: 26 Member
    I'd find a specialty store with the biggest selection you can find, and then have them show you absolutely everything that would work for you. I think that is the best way.

    Honestly, I think those brightly colored "ugly" shoes are the best looking, but tastes vary! You may completely disagree with my taste...:)
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    Running shoes that look really nice = ones that don't hurt my feet/legs/knees/whatever.

    Seriously, do you really care what they look like? Personally, I'm only worried about how they work/feel! If they happen to be a pretty color, bonus! If not, hey, I can't see then when I'm running/walking/on the elliptical anyways. :laugh: