Half Marathon Question



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I make sure to drink extra water ther day before and weight it heavily into the evening before my long run days. Then I try to get 3-6 cups of water in before the run, leaving a period of time before the run when I'm not drinking anything so I don't have to use the restroom while I run.

    I wear a Nathan hydration belt with two 10oz bottles on it but typically only drink about half the amount during my runs. I typically take a sip every couple of miles or so.

    Personally, I get what I call a hydration stitch. It's a small, sharp, stitch just below my rib cage on my right hand side. As soon as I feel it I know that I need some water, once I drink, it goes away. I try not to drink too much while out on a run because I had a bad experience with drinking too much from a water station during a race and it made me feel queasy trying to go up a hill right after the station.

    For supplementing, I started supplementing once I hit 8 mile distances. I take along Clif Shot Bloks, they're just like big gummy candy and taste great. I typically take one about 1/3 of the way through my run distance and then another 2/3 of the way through. Yesterday was the first time I took a third, but it was honestly more of a mental thing for me that time. I only take a sip or two of water after eating each one, again, just don't like too much water at one time while I run.
  • SMoRZ3
    SMoRZ3 Posts: 6 Member
    Haha, an Ultra is anything over a marathon distance, usually starting at a 50k (31mi).

    I'm not a very fast runner, but I enjoy it. I'm also stubborn and don't quit! haha

    Whatever you do, if you think you want to keep running and go on to bigger and better things, dont stop training after this race. Thats the lesson I learned after my first half and took 6 months off.

    If you can force yourself to train and do a half, you can do a full, it just takes a little more training and a lot more mental. After the half you'll have a great base to either maintain, or use to go on to a longer distance. Long distance running is mostly mental. And being smart and picking a pace you're fit for will mean you can go the distance.

    My biggest motivator is having dedicated running friends. They help you by forcing you to show up and run. They also are there to give you advice and help you figure out whats best.

    Good luck either way!

    If you want any more pointers feel free to message me since I dont check the forums too often...
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    For me, I can't eat during a long run. Makes me feel sick... so I just make sure to eat light before a long run and eat after.

    But everyone is different, you just need to do what works for you. :smile: