I gained 4 pounds even though im eating healthy!?



  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    If you are working out an hour a day, could it be that you are gaining muscle mass? Have you been keeping track of your inches?

    No, this is not possible after working out for only a week or two. it take ALOT of training and ALOT of work to build muscle mass.

    its just water weight. anytime you start a new workout your muscles need more water and fuel to repaire therfore it will hold on to the water for recovery. it will go away in a few days.



    givve it time, you just started working out!!!

    ^ this - I'm going through the same thing right now. Be patient and keep going - it will get better.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    You've hear it all, but I'll say it again anyway:

    1) You are not eating enough assuming your food calories and workout calories are accurate
    2) The scale is a bad way of measuring success. If you need to weigh yourself, do it first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom. Do not weight yourself once you've started eating or drinking for the day.
    3) Netting under 1000 calories a day should be avoided (I personally think 1200 or above should be the limit).
    4) Too few calories causes your body to go into starvation mode and you will not lose weight.
    5) To lose 1 pound of weight, you need a 3500 calorie deficit. Losing 1 pound each week means a 500 calories a day deficit.
    6) Eat back most of your workout calories. You body needs the fuel to repair itself after a workout.
    7) My favorite: Over estimate how much you eat and underestimate how much your burn. If you think you drank 1 cup of milk, unless you measured it, assume 1.25 cups. If the elliptical says you burned 600 calories, make it 550 or less.

    There's more to be said, but I think this covers most of what people have said here.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? You could be eating far tooo few calories for working out an hour a day and your body is holding onto everything thinking you are starvin it.
    If I were you'd I'd set MFP to 1.5 or 1 lb a week, and eat the amount MFP tells you to, including eating back most of your exercise calories.

    No i burn 600 calories a work out and only eat 1300 or so a day total

    Wow ya that is way too little. Also when I start working out (and drinking more water) my body retains it for a bit before it drops it. If you are working out in any way that will build muscle your body will do the same (just more or less depending on many factors) I would up the cals for sure though! Also take measurements. My weight hasn't dropped for a few weeks but i have dropped 2 pant sizes
  • Thank you for all the tips!
  • either you have a metobolic problem, you counted your calories incorrectly or you began to build muscle...how many weeks have you been counting calories?
  • Just an Update

    3/20- lost the original 4 pounds i gained from the first week of my work out
    3/21- lost an additional pound