1200 too low?

I'm new and have been poking around a bit and have read that folks that have been around a little while say 1200 cals is way too low. Is this true? Should I bump this up a bit?


  • lisamdavis84
    Depends if you are burning any calories or not. I usually eat around 1500/per day and burn an excess of 3500 a week to see a 1 pound weight loss per week. So far it seems to be working, 7 pounds gone and counting. Good Luck!!
  • groovyfirechick
    For me it's way too low. I need at least 1400-1500 cals a day otherwise I feel like I am starving and then I over eat and don't lose weight. I personally thing that 1200 is too low for anyone. It depends on how much you weigh now, how much you want to lose, and how active you are. You need to do what's right for you and your body.
  • sunnykm
    sunnykm Posts: 24
    I started with 1200 but find 1370 better option for me. I do not feel hungry or weak. its GR8!!!!
  • MasterZeddicus
    MasterZeddicus Posts: 35 Member
    Here is a post I made in another topic about the same question, the person had added their height and weight so the references likely aren't accurate, but the knowledge in the post is still good. :)

    "Honestly 1250 calories per day is more than obtainable, and sustainable for your body. I'm 6'4 and 230LBS and MFP calculates only 1630 calories per day for me, and I can sustain that with relatively little issue. If I can do it at nearly a foot taller than you you can to.

    Given your height and weight your BMI is around 27, not to be rude but that means you are accustomed to eating far more than your body truly needs to function. Bear in mind that 1250 is a temporary number and all depends on YOU! If you are not willing to eat so little every day there are two things you can do:

    Option one: Make your goals a little more realistic for your lifestyle, change your goal to 1/2lb per week, or 1lb per week. Given the amount of calories it gave you I assume you are trying to lose two lbs per week which is a lot! Remember 1lb of fat requires nearly 3500 calories to be burned. So two lbs per week means a deficit of 7000 calories, that's a lot of calories! They have to come from somewhere!

    Option two: COMMIT! Accept the small amount of calories, but WORK for your food. The more cardio you do per day the more you can eat! So exercise properly and you'll be able to boost that up an extra 400-600 calories per day easily! I walk to school and home every day, doing that alone was enough to add 392 calories to my daily intake. That's nothing compared to spending 20-30 minutes on an elliptical trainer or a treadmill! Remember that 1250 per day is based on you doing absolutely nothing but sitting on the couch everyday! You have to feed MFP your work outs, and in return it will feed you!

    There are a few things to bear in mind, firstly like I said 1250 is a temporary number, this is because you're trying to lose fat. Try inputting your height, and put your goal weight as your current weight, then select that you would like to maintain this fitness level. This will give you an idea of how much you can eat per day once you have accomplished your goals! It's something to look forward to :). Also keep in mind that MFP calculates based on an average! You can still do a bit of work, so say you can only do cardio 3 times a week, no sweat! Just divide the extra calories you're burning from cardio over a 7 day period instead of specifically on those days, that way you can eat a bit more everyday instead of just the days you train.

    No matter what you decide, remember that this is for you! That fitness requires a lifestyle change, you have to give up the lifestyle you have now for one that's better! That will keep you in shape, and feeling good. Trust me you won't regret it! Good luck! I'm sure you can make it :).

    Z "

    Happy losing! :D
  • pigelty
    pigelty Posts: 29 Member
    how would one find out how much their body actually burns per day anyway. aside from exercise, how would you estimate?
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I couldn't do 1200 calories for more than a few days in a row... Almost gave up then I gave myself a range

    Then I gave myself a range
    ROCK BOTTOM: 1200 NET calories
    TARGET LOSE: 1/2 pound a week
    HIGH END: Maintain GOAL weight.
    SAFETY VALVE: Maintain current weight (remember this changes as you lose so recalculate often)

    When I was within 5 lbs of my goal every time I lost a pound instead of letting MFP take away calories I add 100 calories so that I'd be eating very near my goal weight by the time I got to my goal.

    I figured if it was torture I'd never stick to it...
    Better I should lose slowly and consistently and actually be able to keep it off.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
  • heatherb162
    I just started going to a weight loss clinic and for me the doctor recommended a 1200 a day diet. But I guess it depends on your personal stats.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    how would one find out how much their body actually burns per day anyway. aside from exercise, how would you estimate?

    check out the tools section
  • moventura
    moventura Posts: 1 Member
    So far I'm on week 3 of my eating plan. Lost 4 pounds so far. I keep being told that I should be minimum 1500 being male. I've been finding that I've been eating between 1100 and 1400 each day and I get through fine. I have more energy now than I did before the lifestyle change. I've been doing a fitness boot camp twice a week and maintaining the calories.

    I think the trick is to just make sure you have alot of water and eat plenty of veggies and fresh fruit. Veggies don't contain too many calories, yet can be quite filling.

    The first week I was pretty much hungry all the time, but your body adjusts to the lower amount of food fairly quickly.
  • CKathy2012
    CKathy2012 Posts: 15 Member
    For me 1200 calories is good for trying to lose weight, sometimes I go up to 1500, if I go above that, I don't lose. I am 67 years old, and can't get much exercise becouse of back issues.When the back doesn't hurt because of spinal stenosis I try to get some walking in.
  • UpdatedMike
    MFP tells me to eat about 1380 and that's for a male at my current weight of 189, trying to lose 2 lbs per week. I've been ranging from 1100--1400 and seem to be succeeding. I exercise a ton, though and seem to end up burning at least half of these calories. I'm not adding additional. I'm still not certain if the under 1200 issue counts exercise or not. MFP doesn't seem to count exercise in this particular formula.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I have had success in eating 1200-1300 cal for the past 16 months..Its not easy , but I have changed my lifestyle dramatically.I was willing to trade the love affair with food for an active, healthy, lifestyle. I have been rewarded with a 158 lb loss. Many will disagree that 1200 is too low and not possible. I am proof that it worked for me.( I have done this thru my doctor and a nutritionist) I take no supplements, pills I think that each person has to try and see what works for them.
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    how would one find out how much their body actually burns per day anyway. aside from exercise, how would you estimate?

    Go to your My Home page and select Goals. On the right hand side of the page - YOUR DIET PROFILE - you will see you calories burned "From Normal Daily Activity". For example, mine is 2130. MFP calculates this for you.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    how would one find out how much their body actually burns per day anyway. aside from exercise, how would you estimate?

    check out the tools section

    Well that's not quite what she wanted to know. You are referring to the BMR which is if you stayed in bed all day (who does that?)

    To find out your daily burn through "normal daily activity" go to your My Home page and select Goals. On the right hand side of the page - YOUR DIET PROFILE - you will see you calories burned "From Normal Daily Activity". For example, mine is 2130. MFP calculates this for you.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    I'm new and have been poking around a bit and have read that folks that have been around a little while say 1200 cals is way too low. Is this true? Should I bump this up a bit?

    Find your own speed for losing. I set mine for 1 pound a week and I am averaging 1.4. I eat all my calories within 100 every day and am a moderate exerciser. IMHO, setting it to more than a pound a week is pushing the envelope. As they say, it's not a race, it's a marathon.

    Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    So far I'm on week 3 of my eating plan. Lost 4 pounds so far. I keep being told that I should be minimum 1500 being male. I've been finding that I've been eating between 1100 and 1400 each day and I get through fine. I have more energy now than I did before the lifestyle change. I've been doing a fitness boot camp twice a week and maintaining the calories.

    I think the trick is to just make sure you have alot of water and eat plenty of veggies and fresh fruit. Veggies don't contain too many calories, yet can be quite filling.

    The first week I was pretty much hungry all the time, but your body adjusts to the lower amount of food fairly quickly.

    You can do that if you like. It will result in a much higher likelihood of plateaus and you will also lose a lot more muscle mass. I have a friend here who did that. Now he is working like crazy to get muscle back on, and it is a very slow process. I ate below that level for a fairly long time as well, then realized I could lose weigh just fine at a higher calorie level. If you are morbidly obese, your body can handle a very large deficit, but prolonged periods eating under your BMR, and for most males 1200 is way below their BMR, are not generally a good idea.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    MFP tells me to eat about 1380 and that's for a male at my current weight of 189, trying to lose 2 lbs per week. I've been ranging from 1100--1400 and seem to be succeeding. I exercise a ton, though and seem to end up burning at least half of these calories. I'm not adding additional. I'm still not certain if the under 1200 issue counts exercise or not. MFP doesn't seem to count exercise in this particular formula.

    Unless you are eating back your exercise calories of course you are losing weight. Your net calories left over after that ton of exercise is probably next to nothing. As as male 1200 is too low. You will lose lots of muscle. Also 2 pounds per week with the amount of weight you have to lose is probably being a little over aggressive. 1 pound per week would be much more reasonable. As stated in my other answer eating under your BMR for a long period of time is generally not recommended.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    I started with 1200 but find 1370 better option for me. I do not feel hungry or weak. its GR8!!!!
    I lol'd at "GR8" ;)
    Anyway, these kinds of concerns may vary with different people.
    1200 is perfect for me because I have a petite physique and it encourages me to eat healthier, because the foods are effortlessly lower in calorie. Plus, I only burn about 200 calories when I workout so my net calories burned per week is usually 800 or below, indicating a slower weight loss. You'll figure it out, best of luck! xoxo
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    I would just try it for a couple days to a week and see how you feel about it. 1200 was my allowance and at the time I thought it was low too but to my surprise it's not, for me anyways.

    Everyone is different. There are tons of people here who will tell you 1200 is not enough, but then there's tons of people here that will tell you 1200 is enough.

    You are not "tons of people" though :bigsmile:
    Try it out, and adjust as needed :flowerforyou: