want to bang my head against a wall...help!! :)

ok, so I have been trying to lose weight for approximately one month. I go up & down the same 5lbs. I am very frusterated!!I usually do low carb but just can't do it anymore...I just want to eat healthy carbs - in moderation. I have been exercising daily (walking, jogging mostly) this past week hoping to make the scale budge but as of this morning I am back up. There is no reason I should be up. I have not been eating my exercise cals except on the weekend - I do indulge in wine on the weekend but make sure i have the calories & that I work out that day. I do tend to eat more protein than MFP suggests because it keeps me full longer. In general I have not been hungry eating the 1200. Right now I am about 350 under & its 8pm. ???? Desperate!!! I am 5'5 - weigh 179 & want to get to 155


  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    I have not been eating my exercise cals

    Read the stickies or about a third of any of the posts on the front page.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You need to eat more..... 1200 is to low especially if you are exercising and not eating back some or all of your exercise calories... with a 1 lb. deficit built into my BMR... My BMR is 2160 but because of my exercise calories (I eat back 85% of mine) I am consuming over 3000 calories a day and still losing a pound a week.....
  • rcramer7
    rcramer7 Posts: 138 Member
    You need to eat more..... 1200 is to low especially if you are exercising and not eating back some or all of your exercise calories... with a 1 lb. deficit built into my BMR... My BMR is 2160 but because of my exercise calories (I eat back 85% of mine) I am consuming over 3000 calories a day and still losing a pound a week.....

    Take a breath and relax. If you aren't happy with your diet you'll quit for certain!
    You have to feed your body(healthy) enough to sapport itself and grow. Sounds funny when you want to lose weight bu,t what you're doing, your body is trying to survive. It will hold onto everything and store it as fat for later.
    Drink gobs of water and eat healthy. When you do you will see results, feel healthy and be happy!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    I want to bang my head against the wall reading this. Where are you getting the idea that you can eat 1200 calories? If you do everything right, logging in everything coming in and all your exercise calories and your getting to the zero mark every day (or close to the zero mark) then you'd be losing like mad.
    Go back to the basics: Read the forums. Drink lots of water. Get a food scale, Get a HRM, Eat whole grains, fruits, lots of veggies and proteins. I personally watch my sugar. Friend people who have been successful, but do yourself a favor, and follow MFP like a bible or find something else more suitable for you.
  • anamita3
    anamita3 Posts: 11
    You need to eat carbs, it's much easier than protein in the weight loss arena. Trust me, I've tried both ways. And it's very possible that you just gained water weight. I've gained 4 lbs in a day just from water weight before. If you want it gone, drink some water (odd but true).

    As for type of carbs, you want to go with whole grain. Ignore the bread, go for rice, oatmeal, quinoa, or dishes like tabouli.
  • Thx!!!:smile:
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Eat those carbs! I did Atkins for a long time many years ago and I lost a ton of weight but absolutely could not stick to it in the long term so I gained all the weight back plus some - not useful. So, I would say good carbs in moderation are absolutely going to help you stick to an eating plan. The other thing is that you probably want to eat more. If you're exercising I would say TRY eating back at least some of those exercise calories. You've got nothing to lose since your bouncing up and down 5lbs anyway :tongue: Good luck! :drinker: