Runnin Hydration Help



  • withwolvesteeth
    withwolvesteeth Posts: 13 Member
    I just ran my first 5k yesterday morning. I'm also in a nutrition class and an anatomy & physiology class. Here's what I did to prepare my body for the 5k: began drinking lots of water 3 days before the main event. You should be hydrating your body days before the race. That was it.

    I ate a small, homemade muffin and a 4 oz glass of skim milk. I only drank 8 oz of water before I left for the race.

    The 5k I ran had fluid stations with water at every mile. They had Dixie cups that were only halfway full. This was the perfect amount for a little hydration. It's such a short distance that you will be okay. (This is coming from someone who pees all the friggin' time.)

    Seriously, seriously though. The key here is to begin properly hydrating your body days beforehand to adequate levels. Then you won't need to worry about having clunky water bottles with you when you're running. :) Good luck and most importantly: HAVE FUN!