
Hi all! I'm new here at MFP and I'm looking for some friends to keep me motivated. I live in New Orleans, LA and unfortunately, most of my friends aren't all that involved with health & fitness so I'm trying to gather more support through sites like this. Anyway, here's a little bit about me...

I'm 29 years old and I work as a counselor at a community mental health agency. The bulk of my case load consists of adolescent clients but I also see children, adults, and couples. I love my work though it can be emotionally draining at times. Outside of work, I spend time with my husband when I can. He's a chef and works weird hours so sometimes we go days at a time without really seeing each other (coming in after I'm asleep doesn't really count!) so quality time is super important. Otherwise, I'm usually either reading or gearing up for community events - our next is the Multiple Sclerosis Walk this Saturday!

As far as fitness is concerned, I'm not all that good at it but I'm working at getting better! I fell in love with Chalene Johnson a few years ago when I started TurboJam and I've now moved on to Turbo Fire - it's my full time addiction! I definitely have found my soul mate workout. I also enjoy swimming, riding my bike, and yoga but TF is definitely where it's at! Food is my biggest problem so I'm working on that bit by bit - cutting out the junk and making sure I'm eating enough fruits and vegetables. I'm really hoping that MFP will boost me out of my current plateau!

Okay - didn't mean for my post to be THAT long (oops!) but I'm glad to be here and look forward to getting to know more people in this community!


  • josephine1985
    ok 1, turbo fire is awesome!!! 2 food is my problem as well. I'm more motivated to work out but my diet is horrible! add me if you like! perhaps we can keep each other motivated!!