How???? Just how????

Hi Guys!

I weighed in on Friday and then went away for 2 days doing karate... I trained for 6 hours and sweat buckets!
I weighed myself yesterday and i've put on 3 lbs, how??
So fed up! Working so hard and nothing seems to be working :(


  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    It may a combination of things...water weight, monthly cycle, muscle gain, etc.

    Try not to focus on the number on the scale (yes, its hard - I keep reminding myself the same thing). You may not be "losing" pounds & you are losing inches.

    Keep your chin up!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    you gain muscle!!! Muscle weights more that fat.
    Do not worry.
    Do not register only your weight, take you measurments also!
    When I started running I gain 3Kls (almost 7lbs) in a few months, and i noticed my legs were great and I lost some inches in several places :)

  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Don't be discouraged, just take a look at my diary food notes, I weight in daily and log it as a food note, my weight (as well as everyone's) fluctuates wildly. For instance, I lost a full pound over night and I literally only did a 1/2 a workout yesterday - craziness. By keeping track like I do you see that weight loss isn't steady, its up a bit, down a bit and all over but it does come off. Hang in there.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    you gain muscle!!! Muscle weights more that fat.
    Do not worry.
    Do not register only your weight, take you measurments also!
    When I started running I gain 3Kls (almost 7lbs) in a few months, and i noticed my legs were great and I lost some inches in several places :)


    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. It's denser. 1lb of fat and 1lb of muscle weigh 1lb each. You also don't gain it overnight, it takes considerable effort to gain muscle especially on a calorie deficit.

    Most likely you are holding some water weight. When you stress your muscles they tear in tiny amounts, water floods those areas to repair them.

    Drink loads of water. Flush it out. The scale will follow eventually.
  • tinawharrison
    Thanks guys, just finding this so hard. It's been either 1lb a week or nothing since the end of january and now putting weight on!! Hard to keep motivated and not head for the junk food!!
  • crl0519
    crl0519 Posts: 7 Member
    Don't weigh yourself too often just makes you crazy!!! I only check my weight once a week, usually Friday morning and take it from there. Pay attention to how you're feeling more than what the number is.
  • tinawharrison
    I usually weigh myself every Friday too... I was just interested to see how an intense weekend of training would affect my body! Wish I hadn't bothered now :(
  • Radcliffe83
    water and food, gone for a poo recently?
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    When you exercise alot it makes your muscles sore, when they are sore and injured, they retain water. It will let and and you will drop it.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Keep your chin up, your doing great! I've been the same weight (up and down 5lbs) since January 29th. Is it frustrating? A bit, however, I have lost an entire pant size since and because of a disability I'm not even able to exercise regularly. If I'm not exercising and still managed to lose a whole pant size, you are certainly going to lose inches if you're doing karate regularly! Put the scale away and use your measurements or a pair of pants as a guide as to how your weight loss is going! People can't see your weight BUT they see how your clothes fit so that's what really counts, right?!?! :smile:
  • tinawharrison
    My muscles in my legs are certainly sore!! And yes, frustrating is one word we could use!! I keep thinking i'm determined but it's slowly chipping away at my motivation!
  • MrsSherrill
    you gain muscle!!! Muscle weights more that fat.
    Do not worry.
    Do not register only your weight, take you measurments also!
    When I started running I gain 3Kls (almost 7lbs) in a few months, and i noticed my legs were great and I lost some inches in several places :)


    OMG, seriously? NO, muscle doesnt weigh more than fat. one pound of something vs. one pound of something else is still one pound!!!!!! havent we already learned this by now!!
    And No, you didnt gain muscle!!
    its just water weight!!
    it takes ALOT of time and ALOT of training to gain muscle mass, look at weight lifters and how long it takes them to get to where they are!

    its just water weight trust me!

    anytime you start a new workout your muscles need more water and fuel to repaire therfore it will hold on to the water for recovery. it will go away in a few days.
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    you gain muscle!!! Muscle weights more that fat.
    Do not worry.
    Do not register only your weight, take you measurments also!
    When I started running I gain 3Kls (almost 7lbs) in a few months, and i noticed my legs were great and I lost some inches in several places :)


    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. It's denser. 1lb of fat and 1lb of muscle weigh 1lb each. You also don't gain it overnight, it takes considerable effort to gain muscle especially on a calorie deficit.

    Most likely you are holding some water weight. When you stress your muscles they tear in tiny amounts, water floods those areas to repair them.

    Drink loads of water. Flush it out. The scale will follow eventually.

    Right... 1lb of muscle and 1lb of fat have different volumes, that's why it is said that muscle weighs more than fat - that one lb of fat takes up more space in the body than any 1 lg of muscle. If you have equals volumes of fat and muscle, the weight of the muscle will be more. Why in the world do people have problems with this concept?!?!?!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    you gain muscle!!! Muscle weights more that fat.
    Do not worry.
    Do not register only your weight, take you measurments also!
    When I started running I gain 3Kls (almost 7lbs) in a few months, and i noticed my legs were great and I lost some inches in several places :)


    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. It's denser. 1lb of fat and 1lb of muscle weigh 1lb each. You also don't gain it overnight, it takes considerable effort to gain muscle especially on a calorie deficit.

    Most likely you are holding some water weight. When you stress your muscles they tear in tiny amounts, water floods those areas to repair them.

    Drink loads of water. Flush it out. The scale will follow eventually.

    says it all really
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    sorry, you are pound is always a pound (fat, muscles or even feathers... :blushing:
    Muscle is much more dense than fat, so that, by volume, it seems to weigh more. That was i was thinking when wrote it :)
    Tks for the correction.

  • tinawharrison
    I knew what you meant :)
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    water and food, gone for a poo recently?

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one that asks this question lol!
  • sailorsiren13
    My muscles in my legs are certainly sore!! And yes, frustrating is one word we could use!! I keep thinking i'm determined but it's slowly chipping away at my motivation!
    <---- This is me- It does chip away at your motivation. I haven't been able to lose for months the scale isn't moving but the inches are makes absolutely no sense to me. No matter how many different ways or how someone says the scale doesn't matter it does to me. or they try to explain the science makes no sense. But i will keep plugging along to set a good example for my kids! Keep up the good work Sounds like your on the right path!
  • tinawharrison
    I've been for a poo!!! :D
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. It's denser. 1lb of fat and 1lb of muscle weigh 1lb each.

    This is very pedantic.

    When people say x weighs more than x they mean by density/volume. They obviously don't mean 1lb is more than 1lb, that is obvious.

    People will say bricks weigh more than feathers, and muscle weighs more than fat. It's simply a shorthand way to say a certain volume of one thing weighs more than a certain volume of another.