Confused and Bummed!!

Okay so I have been working on gettig healthy and losing the large amount of extra weight that I attained through two pregnancies... I have over a 100 pounds to lose. I started really working on it about a month ago. I track everything I eat as well as all exercising. I had as of yesterday lost just about 19 pounds in the last month...but today I get on the scales and I am up almost three. I am not eating more, I typically do not eat my work out calories, just my initial ones, and I eat good fresh foods, not over processed ones very often. I have been doing some aerobic activities, like dancing, walking a few times a week. Floor exercises (situps, leg lifts, push ups) every other day in multiple sets and working out with my new home gym probably 5 days a week. I have really been pushing the weights, as I know this should really to not only help my weight loss but help me keep it off. I am doing several sets of different exercises on the gym and variating the the point I feel like a big ball of rubber when I a done. Wondering if the weight change is due to the weight training (I have been pushing harder the last week with the weights), or if I am doing something wrong. I am so confused and afraid if I dont see that scale moving I might lose my motivation. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!! :)


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You've lost 19 pounds in a month? That's great.
    Don't stress about the scale.... it sounds like you're doing lots of great stuff and I'm sure you'll see results soon.
    There are so many reasons why the scale can go up - monthly cycle, water retention because you're exercising more, whether you've been to the bathroom.... and lots more.
    Keep up the good work, don't cut your calories too low and keep exercising (but not too much). Weight loss is a long term project, no matter how much we just want to go to sleep and make it happen, it's not the way it works.
    You're doing a great job, keep it up!