Heart Rate Monitor or Fitbit??

amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
I want to know how many calories I am actually burning, should I get a fitbit or a heart rate monitor??


  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    I think the fitbit shows you your overall Calorie burn for the entire day even when not working out and it shows how your sleep is. A hrm is gonna only show you a Calorie burn during a workout when your heart rate is elevated. So it depends on what you are looking for. I love having a hrm for my workouts and wouldn't want to be without it but I think a fitbit would be really cool to track everything. So my answer, both! Lol. I know that's not very helpful. Hopefully someone else will have nor insight.
  • sebbysmommy
    sebbysmommy Posts: 63 Member
    I have been wondering the same thing :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Like someone else said.. it depends on what sort of calorie burn you want to know(all day vs. workout).

    To me, FItbit is a glorified pedometer.. It does not take heart rate into consideration at all, and basically counts your steps, allows you to wear it while sleeping and thats it.

    HRM's, while they can't be worn all day, are a useful tool to have while working out. I personally use a Polar FT60, but there are cheaper Polar models available that are just as good.

    When buying an HRM you want one that has a chest strap(and if you don't want that feature, then you check HRM's off the list because they are not accurate without a chest strap) and one that lets you enter all personal info in.