Irrational Fears



  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'm not sure if it's a phobia or just plain terrified...but I have two things.

    When I'm driving over a bridge (which happens alot more than I would like since I live in St. Louis) I'm terrified that the support will break or snap in half and I'll fall to the river below then I'll be trapped forever in my car and drown because I can't swim. That I have to force myself to do by just looking ahead and breathing slowly.

    The other in spiders. They are creepy crawly nasty little vermin and I have no use for them. It makes me uncomfortable to see them on tv and when there is one near me I slowly get up and leave the room then scream for my husband to come and kill it. If he's not home I just won't go in that room or an adjoining room until he gets home.

    Why does he have to KILL it? Why can't you ask him to take it outside?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I have a few ridiculous fears.

    I cannot put my mind on anything to do with cutting wrists or weird stuff like that because for some reason it freaks me out like none other. And it's only that certain place because I can think getting a shot or stepping on a sharp object but not wrists getting cut. Absolutely shuddering!... I know that's a legit phobia because I can barely type about it. >_<

    I also have a huge fear of pumping air into car tires as someone else mentioned. I CANNOT do it. I'm so afraid the thing will pop right in front of me. Thankfully hubby likes to do car stuff.

    I have had an absolutely irrational fear of tornadoes ever since I found out what they are. I used to OBSESS over the weather and sky every single time there was a dark cloud in the sky. Or if it's really windy and completely clear out I will double check the window every half hour.

    I have another fear of spiders. It went away for awhile until I woke up from a nap (THANKFULLY) and slowly but surely realized a freaking monstrous spider was coming down on it's web towards me!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever since that incident I have been checking the walls OBSESSIVELY every time I wake up. I cannot stand spiders.

    Only other fears I can think of is a fear of cat claws so I generally am very fearful of picking up a cat. And I CANNOT put my head under water for the life of me. Blech. I almost drowned as a kid.

    Ugh lol, this all makes me sound pretty damn paranoid.

    Ugh, that spider bit creeped me out. Made me feel paranoid :laugh:

    Throughout my life, I've always looked at black marks on the wall and they look like they're moving, so I'd worry it's a spider :laugh:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Omg, I just thought of one of my most irrational fears.

    Tumbleweed that's not moving/pictures of tumbleweed.

    I only discovered this fear recently. I can look at videos of tumbleweed fine, but if it's not moving or if it's a pic, it makes me feel SO WEIRD.

    Even writing this, my heart's beating faster. Urgh.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I am terrified of mice and rats - any rodent that is a type of rat! To a point where I will faint from fear.
    I saw the movies Willard and Ben as a child and have been terrified ever since.

    I can handle snakes and spiders, or any bug, but not those darn rodents!
  • hollyjane77
    hollyjane77 Posts: 147
    I have an extreme phobia of caterpillars (and it also extends to anything caterpillar-like such as worms or centipedes as well as moths and butterflies - flying caterpillars). Can't look at pictures of them in books. Just the word gives me shivers! I could never walk anywhere near one. One time at 4 am, I was trapped in my bathroom with a centipede and if I didn't have a cell phone with me, I don't know how I would have gotten out of there because I couldn't walk past it. I was frozen. I called my best friend and he came over and took care of it for me (at 4 am), but I couldn't watch. I once crossed over 4 lanes of traffic on a highway and got out of the car because there was a caterpillar on the dashboard and it was coming towards me. I wouldn't eat a gummy worm if you paid me a million dollars! It's bad... People have suggested hypnosis or other types of therapy to "get over" my phobia, but the thought of "being cured" terrifies me because it would mean that I'd be willing to let one of those things near me. It's irrational, I know. Can't help it though...
  • megannicolex33
    I have a few. My worst fear is wasps. It seems to get worse and worse each year... every time I even see a wasp, my whole body freezes and my heart starts racing. I absolutely panic over them! They're the most terrifying things I've ever seen. I hate them, they're so evil - I always think they're out to get me. One time, one got in my house and I locked myself in my room with a towel stuck in the crack underneath the door so it couldn't get to me. I had to wait until my mom could come home and kill it. :laugh:

    Another one is tornadoes. I've never even experienced one, but I'm SO scared of them. I've had nightmares about tornadoes for as long as I can remember. I would wake up screaming and crying all the time when I was little because of it. It's gotten a little better now, but I'm still scared. I actually just had a tornado dream last week... not fun.

    My most irrational fear is getting a paper cut (or any cut, really) on my eyeball. Sounds weird, but when I think about it, I feel so sick. Just to imagine the sharp edge of a piece of paper, or a razor, or anything cutting my eye.. ohhh my god. Absolutely terrifying!

    The last one is a fear of suffocating/drowning. I guess that one isn't really irrational, but it still freaks me out. I'm claustrophobic so that makes it worse. I'm so scared of like.. my head getting caught in a plastic bag, being stuck underwater, being choked, anything like that. This fear became even worse after I almost died from a pulmonary embolism last year (yeah, I was 20). I could barely breathe except for short little gasps of air. It was awful. :frown: