has anyone tried The 17 Day Diet? does it work?

I'm thinking about adding The 17 Day Diet to my Kindle to read. Is it worth it? Has anyone had success with this diet?


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Just another fad I'm afraid :(

    Just follow MFP and you'll have success.
  • CW101
    CW101 Posts: 85 Member
    I wish people would have an informed opinion before they call something a fad.

    I've been doing the 17 day "diet" since February 11th and have lost 17 pounds. It's gotten me to eat much healthier and has me feeling energized. It's worth looking into. It's basically clean eating - lean proteins, lots of vegetables, limited starchy carbs.

    If you do a search for the 17 day diet in the message boards, you'll find several pages of people on it.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I know what the 17 day diet is and I call it a fad soley because it's another book and diet plan designed for the author and publisher to make money on something we already know will help lose weight.

    Following a strict diet plan with things removed, added, etc is a fad for those who will not stick with it.

    It works for some people yes. For some it won't. For most though, if you eat healthy, clean, whole, fresh foods and lean meats you will lose weight - which is almost exactly what this diet is about (the 17 day diet seems the same as the Eat Clean diet but with a bit more restrictions.

    What is a fad for one person won't be for another.

    I personally just don't see the point in spending money to read about what I already know. I also don't want to spend money on a restrictive diet when I can do it on my own. That's me though.

    If you need the structure and the meal plans/meal ideas written out for you than go for it. Some people need that and some don't.

    People are different.
  • I wish people would have an informed opinion before they call something a fad.

    Cat fight alert

    *Making some popcorn and getting a good seat.
  • nakiarhall
    nakiarhall Posts: 51 Member
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I like it, but I can't stick with cycle one (too restrictive for my liking), so I skip over it and go right on to cycle two, which is actually not so bad, and lets you have healthy carbs. ... I need to get back on the program.
  • I know what the 17 day diet is and I call it a fad soley because it's another book and diet plan designed for the author and publisher to make money on something we already know will help lose weight.

    Following a strict diet plan with things removed, added, etc is a fad for those who will not stick with it.

    It works for some people yes. For some it won't. For most though, if you eat healthy, clean, whole, fresh foods and lean meats you will lose weight - which is almost exactly what this diet is about (the 17 day diet seems the same as the Eat Clean diet but with a bit more restrictions.

    What is a fad for one person won't be for another.

    I personally just don't see the point in spending money to read about what I already know. I also don't want to spend money on a restrictive diet when I can do it on my own. That's me though.

    If you need the structure and the meal plans/meal ideas written out for you than go for it. Some people need that and some don't.

    People are different.

    Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but don'tcha think it is a bit rich for you to be so dismissive of it when you're 50lb overweight yourself? If you knew all the answers maybe you wouldn't need to be on here?

    A lot of your posts are really negative, instead of being supportive and encouraging like most around here.

    Just saying...
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I know what the 17 day diet is and I call it a fad soley because it's another book and diet plan designed for the author and publisher to make money on something we already know will help lose weight.

    Following a strict diet plan with things removed, added, etc is a fad for those who will not stick with it.

    It works for some people yes. For some it won't. For most though, if you eat healthy, clean, whole, fresh foods and lean meats you will lose weight - which is almost exactly what this diet is about (the 17 day diet seems the same as the Eat Clean diet but with a bit more restrictions.

    Is there really a diet that's not a "fad" Studies show that after people do a diet they eventually put back on the weight plus more. There are a small percentage that do make the life change and are able to keep it off. How many people do you know that have used the same diet for years upon years. I don't know any, they use the current new diet, thus a "fad" The word just has a negative connotation. At some point I believe we have all used some type material to get us through a hum.

    What is a fad for one person won't be for another.

    I personally just don't see the point in spending money to read about what I already know. I also don't want to spend money on a restrictive diet when I can do it on my own. That's me though.

    If you need the structure and the meal plans/meal ideas written out for you than go for it. Some people need that and some don't.

    People are different.

    Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but don'tcha think it is a bit rich for you to be so dismissive of it when you're 50lb overweight yourself? If you knew all the answers maybe you wouldn't need to be on here?

    A lot of your posts are really negative, instead of being supportive and encouraging like most around here.

    Just saying...

    And dont'cha think is is a bit rich for you to be so negative. If everyone in here was not needing to loose weight this would be an entirely different forum. To point out how much someone is overweight is very poor form.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I know a family that tried it and everyone lost 10 pounds in the first cycle. I read the book, and it looks legit. You have to go through a cleansing type of period where you limit what you eat, which is why lots of people mistake it for a fad diet. But it IS effective and I plan on going on it myself.
  • I know what the 17 day diet is and I call it a fad soley because it's another book and diet plan designed for the author and publisher to make money on something we already know will help lose weight.

    Following a strict diet plan with things removed, added, etc is a fad for those who will not stick with it.

    It works for some people yes. For some it won't. For most though, if you eat healthy, clean, whole, fresh foods and lean meats you will lose weight - which is almost exactly what this diet is about (the 17 day diet seems the same as the Eat Clean diet but with a bit more restrictions.

    Is there really a diet that's not a "fad" Studies show that after people do a diet they eventually put back on the weight plus more. There are a small percentage that do make the life change and are able to keep it off. How many people do you know that have used the same diet for years upon years. I don't know any, they use the current new diet, thus a "fad" The word just has a negative connotation. At some point I believe we have all used some type material to get us through a hum.

    What is a fad for one person won't be for another.

    I personally just don't see the point in spending money to read about what I already know. I also don't want to spend money on a restrictive diet when I can do it on my own. That's me though.

    If you need the structure and the meal plans/meal ideas written out for you than go for it. Some people need that and some don't.

    People are different.

    Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but don'tcha think it is a bit rich for you to be so dismissive of it when you're 50lb overweight yourself? If you knew all the answers maybe you wouldn't need to be on here?

    A lot of your posts are really negative, instead of being supportive and encouraging like most around here.

    Just saying...

    And dont'cha think is is a bit rich for you to be so negative. If everyone in here was not needing to loose weight this would be an entirely different forum. To point out how much someone is overweight is very poor form.

    This is exactly my point though - I have had a look at the book, seems to make good sense. Most people on here are really supportive and help each other along but the poster I quoted isn't - and to be blunt, she can hardly be regarded as an expert in weight loss!!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Perhaps the word "fad" is what sounded offensive, it has such a negative connotation. Most people use diet plans at one point or another, but you don't see the same diet plan being used for years upon years, thus the word "fad". Even the diets that have been around make changes. I have read the diet and it does seem to have merit for people who are needing to get a good start. The real problems come from not making a complete life change.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I started the 17 day diet 9 days ago, it's actually what lead me here. I lost weight very quickly in cycle one...6 lbs in first 2 days, 13 total so far with a starting weight of 263. I'm supposed to still be on cycle 1 but I had to add complex carbs. I'm pre-diabetic and Hypothyroid and was literally about to fall down from lack of food. Dr. Mike says that you can eat unlimited amounts of the approved veggies and proteins but I couldn't eat enough of those things to get any measure of calories. It will definitely give you a jump start for weight loss or a boost to lose those last few pounds. I'm still losing weight, just not as rapidly as I would be had I adhered strictly to the plan. It's a clean way of eating and teaches you a tremendous amount about paying attention to what goes into your body. The bigger point of the diet is to detox off the carbs and get yourself to a point where you're no longer insulin resistant. It works really well for weight loss but due to the highly restrictive nature of the diet if you don't make it your ultimate lifestyle you will gain that weight back. Overall, I think it's fantastic. I'm grateful for everything I've learned from his book and the journal that you can purchase to track/plan meals, weight loss, goals and motivation is wonderful. If you're starting out with a lot of weight to lose, are on your way to becoming insulin dependent and have to learn everything, ME!, I highly recommend it. If you're almost there I would call it, at best, a cleanse. For me, it's been an amazing starting point worth its weight in gold. I just had to listen to my body and add carbs into Phase one. I happen to like what I'm doing! It works, I feel great, have been working out and combined with MFP on my Droid I'm going to keep going. His Phase One with a few whole grains added in is absolute perfection for me. Good luck to you!
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    I started the 17 Day Diet last Monday, the 12th. In the first 5 days I only lost 1.5lbs and got discouraged and stressed, and ate a bunch of junk food on the weekend.
    But I got back to it this Monday. I'm now down almost 4lbs total from my start weight.

    Start weight: 163lbs
    Goal weight: 130lbs.
    I'm 5'2" and I'm 31 years old.

    I bought the book last year then forgot about it. I worked on my eating and exercising on my own without a plan and lost 15lbs but then fell off the wagon and slowly gained back that weight over fall and winter. Now I'm back at it, using the 17 Day Diet because I need structure.

    I love it. I'm enjoying it and these almost 4lbs that have left, although a small number, have made a huge improvement on my attitude.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I have not personally used the 17 day diet but have looked at it and, in my opinion, it's another high protein low carb diet - if you stick to it you will lose weight.

    Here's the bad news........diets don't work for the vast majority of people who go on them. I'm living proof of that, over the years I've lost and gained and lost over 350 lbs "dieting" (not all at once - at my heaviest I was around 235 to 240). In the last 2 years through exercise and a sustainable diet that creates a modest caloric deficit I've been able to (plus or minus a few pounds) hover around 200 and since joining MFP and actually logging my intake can see myself hitting my goal weight of 180 later this year and maintaining at that weight.

    What's the difference? I've become more patient and have come to realize that the only long term solution is one that creates dietary habits that can be sustained for the rest of my life. Most "diets" offer a quick fix but because they don't retrain the way you think about nutrition you go back to your old ways and the weight comes back with vengeance.
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    The issue with "diets" is that people have to stop calling it that. Or, learn to differentiate between a short term diet and a lifestyle change.

    While I may be doing the 17 Day Diet, I DO NOT consider it a diet at all. And when I talk to people about it, or someone offers me a donut or something, I do not reply with "sorry I'm on a diet" I say, "thanks, but it's not part of my meal plan"

    This is a lifestyle change. And it has to be if it's going to work.

    I look at the 17 Day Diet as a lesson book. It's teaching me what my body needs and doesn't need. It's teaching me about foods that I used to think were ok, but they aren't. And it's my structure. If I don't know what I should and shouldn't eat throughout the day, then I get confused and grab whatever is handy.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    diets don't work. none of them. they are temporary fixes. permanent change works and is sustainable. eat healthy, exercise. live healthy. simple as that.
  • mfn64
    mfn64 Posts: 5
    i done it last summer,it helped me lose some but after the 17 days you gain it back,
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    i done it last summer,it helped me lose some but after the 17 days you gain it back,

    Are you sure you followed the entire plan?
    It's more than just 17 days.

    You shouldn't gain it back if you get to cycle 4 which is maintenance, and eat according to what you've learned throughout the 4 cycles.
  • My brother and sister are on the diet currently and say it is working wonders! at a combined weight of nearly 50 Stone for a long time they have lost nearly 12 stone between them. I say it is worth a look and if you find it is right for you go for it and if not find something that feels right and that you believe in for you. :)
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    Good grief, here we go....