New to this...need help

So I'm a little confused on if I'm doing good or harm. My BMR is 1864 and my TDEE is 2949. I do curves 3x/wk, walk a total of 1-2mile every day, and only find myself eating 850-1100 calories per day. Since a week ago, I've lost almost 7lbs. I don't want to hurt myself and ruin my muscle. I drink about 10 glasses of water each day as well. I eat until I'm full, I snack when I need to, and I eat after my workout. I've been extremely conscientious of what I've been eating too. My calorie counter keeps telling me I'm too far under my daily allowance and that I could be putting my body into starvation mode...but I'm seriously not hungry. Should I be concerned? I should I be eating higher calorie foods? I've got about 100 lbs to lose so I know losing more than 2 lbs/wk is okay for me, for now. Help!!! Anyone??


  • PeachKitty
    I get that for the calorie counter too, I tend to be a under by a couple of hundred every now and then. I go by the rule that if I'm not hungry, I'm not going to force myself to eat more just to meet the requirements. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, this is only a guideline after all, and while MFP might be awesome, it's not extremely accurate.

    It's also not unusual to lose a lot in the first week, I lost four pounds myself.

    If you are concerned, then it might be worth taking a look at your activity level. Hope this helps, if just a little.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    the 1st week of dieting for many people is usually good my first week i lost 7lb too it then slowed right down prob averaging about 1lb a week loss some weeks are better than others.

    a question for you though - how can you be full with so few calories i've got about 80lb + still to lose and i just would not be full on those calories, are you sure you are inputting them accurately?
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    If you aren't hungry than just fill your day with more high calorie healthy foods. Peanut butter, nut butter, nuts, avocado etc are all healthy foods that have a lot of calories for a small serving.
  • Jenrn08
    Jenrn08 Posts: 3
    I am almost 100% sure I'm putting them in right. The search engine here has a great variety and I find almost everything I eat in it. I make sure if I double the serving size, to autocorrect it and vs. versa. I think I may feel full because of how much and when I drink my water. I drink 1-2 glasses b/t every meal and snack and then 2 glasses after I do curves. Plus I'm chosing high fiber and high protein foods.