Love ..... you results!

Possibly many of you gym goers have made a promise to yourself January 1st to stay healthy, participate in a race, try a new activity/sport and/or get some weight off and lose some inches. The year is definately not over, so there is plenty of time to reach the resolutions you made to yourself. Here are some strategies to keep you on track and reach you goals all year long and beyond:

Keep a journal (MyFitnessPal)and use it: This can track many things such as, daily exercise, food/water intake, thoughts/feelings and overall goals for the day or week. A journal is an excellent key to your goal because you can see and read exactly what you are and are not doing. This will help you track your progress against you objectives.

Weigh in 1x per week: If your goal is to lose weight or maintain; this is crucial to your success. Purchase a good scale and use it at the same time each week. In addition, it may be helpful to have your body fat tested and measurements taken.

Enlist work out buddy: Make sure that the individual you work out with has a mutual goal. Perhaps you both may have a race or event in mind that you need to train for. This can be a lot of fun!

Hire a personal trainer: Commit to a trainer and tell them you "story". A trainer will be able to devise a plan to help you on your quest, keep you on track, and stay accountable and eventually... be successful.

Try a new exercise: ALWAYS out bodies get used to an activity. That is a natural and normal occurrence called homeostasis. In gym terms... you may have hit a plateau, ouch! Moreover, it is important both physical and mentally to try a new exercise or activity, go outside if you are indoors or vise versa, switch your exercise time..... anything different that you feel comfortable with.

Always have goals, believe in yourself, never be afraid to fail (failure is not trying), be willing to work hard and never, ever give up. You are so important because you are your best advocate therefore you can accomplish anything you dream.

-Sara van de Poel